Chapter 41: Forgive Me?

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She's mad.

Why? I don't know but she is.

After she rode off yesterday, I just kinda stood there for a few minutes.

Then I just left I've texted her a few times to which I got one syllable answers including yes, no, or k.

So now I'm just chilling with Caleb in the break room of the restaurant he works at, while he's texting someone on his phone.

"She's only given half-assed answers to my messages." I tell him, trying to get his attention.

"Uh huh."

"Who are you texting anyway?"


"Nobody, huh? Okay." I shrug and then steal his phone out of his hand.

I look and see multiple sexts between him and someone who doesn't have a contact name and it's only emojis.

The emojis are 🐷🎗️🍦✏️🍀.

Is this like some kind of cryptic code?

"You're sexting someone while I'm right next to you? Who is this?"

"I guess you can know. Danni already does. I'm actually surprised she didn't tell you."

"Danni knows?"

"Yeah she kinda caught us together." He chuckles awkwardly.

"She caught you having sex with someone!?"

"No, no no no. She caught us kissing."

"Who is 'us?'"

"Me and Amina." He replies sounding relieved.


"I'm glad that's out. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders." He says wiping fake sweat off of his forehead.

I send a quick text to Danni then Amina.

Me: how come you didn't tell me caleb and amina are fucking?

Mine 🥰😘🙈: oh yeah. i kinda forgot about that. now that image is engraved into my brain. yuck

Me: wtf

Mine 🥰😘🙈: don't be mad zak. they're being safe and it's their choice

Me: mad? I'm fucking pissed

Mine 🥰😘🙈: why

Me: wdym why? your cousin and my best friend are fucking

Mine 🥰😘🙈: so?

Me: do you not see the problem here?

Mine 🥰😘🙈: no i don't. whatever zak. be mad, i don't give a shit. either way it's their relationship not yours

Me: r u still mad at me?

I don't get an answer but it says she read it. She can't ignore me forever.

We have school tomorrow and I'm still driving her.

Me: you're fucking my best friend?!

amina 💩: yeah

Me: why

amina 💩: wdym why

Me: i mean how

amina 💩: because we were alone the whole month of august and we got bored

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