Chapter 10: Thanksgiving Plans Pt. 2

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 "Zak?" I ask seeing him on the floor with his head in his hands.

 "Danni... Hi," he says wiping his eyes as he gets into a standing position.

 "Are you okay?" I look into his eyes and they're glossed over.

 Before he can say anything I just give him a hug. He hugs back.

 "Don't cry," I tell him.

 "I'm not, anymore anyways."

 "Are you okay?" I ask again since I didn't give him a chance to answer earlier.

 "Yeah I'm fine..." He waits awhile before he says. "My parents aren't coming back for Thanksgiving when they promised they would."

 "Aww I'm sorry." I pause for a minute.

 I don't want him to be lonely for Thanksgiving. Would it be a bad idea to invite him to come with me and my mom to visit my sister in Florida? No, I don't think so.

 "If you want you can come to Florida with me and my mom? You definitely don't have to. But if you want to we leave Monday of next week."

 "Are you sure?" He asks.

 "Yeah, why not?"


 What could go wrong?


Bestie 🤪🤞🦶: Are you doing anything today?

 That's what he changed his name to? I wipe the smile off of my face and change it back.

Me: Amina and I are going to watch Callum's homecoming game if you wanna come with? 🏈

Lombardi 🤪🤞: That's today?

Me: Yeah 🙌

Lombardi 🤪🤞: He invited me to it but I completely forgot.

Me: Well...consider this your reminder 🚨⏰

Lombardi 🤪🤞: Sure, when is it?

Me: It's at 12, I can come get you if you want. I have to get Amina anyways. 🤸‍♀️

Lombardi 🤪🤞: Sounds good

Me: 😊

 I told Amina we had to make a small detour and she was fine with it. Although I didn't tell her what the detour was so as soon as Zak walks out of the house to say she was surprised is an understatement.

 She gave me a knowing look.

 "What? Callum invited him." I say.


 "Hey guys," Zak says.

 "Hey idiot," Amina says.

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