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"You look gorgeous, Danni." My mom says to me as I walk down the stairs in my graduation dress.

I can't believe we're finally graduating.

Zak and I are still going strong.

I've become closer with Caleb but that's a given since he's dating my cousin.

He's actually really nice. I used to think he was a major dick but I guess that's just image.

I've completed all four of my high school years with a GPA of 4.0. Which means I got into UMich.

Speaking of college, Zak got a full ride to UMich as well for football.

He's so excited that we're going to the same school when the fall semester starts.

Turns out UMich is a pretty good school for football.

"Thanks, Mom."

"Just so you know, Rachael is bringing the twins to your graduation." My father says.

"Lovely," I say.

Jaxen and Cowen have just turned two, in January.

To say they have become devils is an understatement.

They finally reached their toddler years and they are... special.

I hope they're good at the graduation.

I send a quick text off to our group chat consisting of me, Zak, Amina, and Caleb.

Me: guys, Rachael is bringing the twins

Ami 🧡🍑: omg lmao

Me: this is not funny

Ami 🧡🍑: it's kinda funny

Me: Amina

Caleb 🧢: are they like bad kids or something?

Me: you've never met them?

Caleb 🧢: nope

Me: you're not missing out on much. they were cute when they were little. now they just feed off each other's energy and it's chaos

Lover 💙🥰💩: oh come on I'm sure they're not that bad. at least Cowen. he's a good kid.

Me: he WAS a good kid and you haven't seen them since Christmas I just saw them for spring break

Ami 🧡🍑: yeah, when we were there in April I made the executive decision to never have kids based on their behavior

Lover 💙🥰💩: I'm sure u guys are being dramatic

Me: you'll see Zak, you'll see


The twins actually weren't too bad during the ceremony.

Now we're just chilling in the front yard of the school taking pictures.

"Daniella Delgado." Rachael snaps me out of my thoughts as I was looking at the small pond near our school."

"Rachael Wright."

"You're old now. That means I'm old too."

"Using your logic, you were old about seven years ago."

"Aunt Danni!" I look down and see Cowen tugging at my dress.

"Hi, Cowen." I pick him up and place him on my hip.

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