"Kate, are you sure you don't know who you shot?" I ask.

"Grace, you remember our Idaho hunt last summer?"

"Oh. Oh yeah," I laugh.

"It was so dark out you didn't even know whether you'd hit a werewolf or a stray dog," she adds.

"I get it, I get it," I say.

"How long will it take?" Chris asks Kate.

"Give him 48 hours. If that."

I sure hope you got the right one this time, Kate.


I put on my t-shirt and straighten it, getting ready for another exhausting day of school, when I hear a scream coming from somewhere in the house. I run towards where the sound was, looking out for any danger, still limping a bit because of my bowling-ball-attacked toe. I end up in Kate's room, where Allison is hugging her.

"Oh god, you guys," I sigh, trying to ignore the high amounts of adrenaline in my blood.

"I don't see you for a month and you turn into a freaking runway model? Look at you! I hate you," Kate says. She told me once that she absolutely adores Allison's hair colour, a shade darker than my brown waves.

"I haven't even showered yet," Allison says.

"Sweetie, you're a knock-out. In fact, I hope you have the boys knocking each other's teeth out for you."

"I kind of have one," Allison admits, smiling a bit.

"You kind of have one? Well, you should kind of have a million," Kate says, making us all laugh.

"Speaking of a million boys, do you have one, Grace?" Kate asks.

"Nahhh. Basically every guy in our school is an idiot," I say, Allison immediately frowning at me.

"Except for your guy, Allison."

"And Stiles," I mutter, the both of them suddenly looking at me intently.

"Now I hear a name! Wait, let me guess, the guy that was pacing the sidewalk in front of our house that one time? The one with the buzz cut?"

"Yes. But he's a friend, Kate."

"Sure thing, sweetie," she says, smirking my way. I glare at her.

"Need help unpacking?" Allison asks her, reaching for one of Kate's bags, the one with the- oh shit.

"No! Not that one," Kate roughly grabs her wrist and pulls it back way too harshly. Then she pauses and lets her go. Allison shoots me a glance and I pretend I have no clue what's going on.

"Oh, see? You end up beautiful and I end up with this kung fu death grip. Sorry, sweetie. I didn't mean to be so rough," Kate says.

"No worries," Allison says, when another thought pops into her head.

"Hey, is everything okay with your car?"

"Uh, yeah. I just needed a jumpstart, that's all," Kate answers, catching on but still getting it wrong.

"A jumpstart?" Allison asks.

"Yeah- yeah, and her tire, a flat tire too, right Kate?" I say, frantically trying to save the situation.

"Yes, that too. The trouble just kept coming last night," she says.


"So, should I hide in my room and lock the door?" I ask Allison, in the driver's seat beside me.

Maybe I Was Wrong (Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now