Chapter 1: A Deadly Misunderstanding

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A deer grazed in an open field as it peacefully ate grass soaked in the morning dew as the wind blew a pleasant breeze through the air. Like a knife through butter, a gunshot cut through the calm silence as the animal fall to the ground with a thud. As Georgia came out of the bushes he had been lying in with his musket, he heard a whistle from his left, "Nice shot Georgia, but you still missed the heart by almost an inch." Connecticut admired.

He shrugged as he walked towards the buck, "Five dollars says you can't do better with the next one." He answered as he crouched down next to his kill. "How about five dollars, and whoever loses has to do one thing the winner says."

"Just digging your own grave CT." He said as he helped bring the deer to the wooden cart the two had brought along.

25 minutes later

"Well Georgia, looks like that's me five dollars richer." Georgia reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a few coins, dropping them into CT's open palm as she smirked looking down at her new mark. "Alright then, what do you want me to do." Georgia said with a grunt as he grabbed the buck.

"Hmmm, I think I might save that for later, never now when I'll need a favor, or a servant." She said with a mischievous grin. "What'd I do to deserve this god." He said in mock fear. "Hey, if you wanna be a better shot, I still got to go hunting tomorrow. You in?"

Georgia gently laid down CT'S kill in the cart, "Sorry, promised I'd help North with the crops." He said as CT hopped in the front and took the rains as he climbed into shotgun. "Change your mind about specializing into a trade?" She asked as Georgia shook his head, "You know me, Jack of all trades, master of none."

CT began to move the carriage forward through the dirt back towards the house as she yelled over to him, "Probably for the best. Mass has been working dam near non stop on suring up our defenses. Without you helping him, I don't think he'd have time to sleep and eat. Bit paranoid if you ask me." Georgia stayed quiet for a second as he thought about that. It had been a month since Virginia was sent out to reclaim so!e forts from the French, diplomatically or with force...

"You think he's right to worry?" He asked over the noise of the ride. She just used one hand to wave to the side, "If Virginia can't talk em down, no one can. No war is happening on his watch."

Georgia whispered under his breath so quite he couldn't even hear himself over the carriage, "I hope your right about that. For all our sakes."


Virginia wiped beads of sweat from his brow as he felt his other hand tighten around his muzzle loader. Negotiations with the French had broken down, and now he had to deal a quick blow to stop this from becoming a war. He yelled to one of his battlefield aids, "Any word from the natives we sent to flank them?"

The man shook his head, "No sir! We can only hope their holding up their end of the plan." Had Virginia been another state, New York perhaps, he would have let lose a string of curses so fierce the French cannons would have seemed like cotton balls being thrown at them.

Soon Virginia saw a soldier try and yell something, but the noise of a cannon fired at the same time drowned out his words. Trying again, Virginia heard what he said, "Over the trench!"

He got up to look and see what had happened to stir up a commotion. He saw three French soldiers, a drummer, the commanding officer of the French forces, and most importantly, a soldier holding a makeshift white flag high above his head.

The gunfire slowed, then came to a halt as news of the development spread. Virginia slowly put down his rifle before coming out of the trench he'd been in for weeks now with his hands held high in the air. He began to walk towards the group until they met in the middle of battlefield.

In French, Virginia asked, "You seek to surrender?" The grim faced officer nodded, "This fort is but a place I won't al-" Before he could finish the sentence, a tomahawk came from the back of his head, splattering blood across Virginia's face. A musket ball landed in the head of the Frenchmen who'd been playing the drums before, a horrified expression forever carved onto his face.

Seeing what had happened to his comrades, the last Frenchman drew an old black powder pistol, "Stop dammit! The bat-" It was no use, a musket ball hit the soldiers hand, blowing part of it away and disarming him.

The Frenchman was shocked for only a moment before he began to back to the fort he had come from. Seeing what had happened, French forces began to open fire to cover their comrade, before the English forces returned the favor. It wasn't long before the screams of soldiers belonging to both sides taking their final breaths began to echo through the battle front.

Connecticut's Journal

Today me and Georgia went hunting together. We got a bit less food then usual, but I'm sure as hell glad he came along, seeing as how he doubted my aim, lost a bet, and now he has to do one thing I say. Serves him right, nobody's got better aim then me, you hear that Massachusetts? Nobody!

On the the way home, Georgia asked me something, he asked me if I thought Massachusetts was just being paranoid, or if we really were about to have some trouble. I told him he's just worrying over nothing, but I don't know if it's for his benefit or mine to be honest.

And that's another chapter done folks! I'm pretty happy with how this came out tbh, so I hope it was alright. Anyway, a bit of information.

Most chapters will end with a journal entry, I'm not sure if this is just going to be a CT thing, but I figured I'd inform y'all.

Next up, this book will feature the 7 years war, as we saw earlier in the chapter. The thing is, I don't know too much about that war in particular. I'll do research of course, but if this glosses over something important in the war, I'm sorry in advance.

That's about all about the story, but in the part of Georgia I live in, were supposed to get snow this weekend. I know if you're reading this in Canada that might not seem like a big deal, but I'm pretty sure the last time it snowed was like 3 years ago, and they cancelled school for days even after the snow melted, so this is important news for us.

Anyway that's it for now, as usual if you have any feedback or suggestions leave a comment, I update this story every Wednesday, and of you like this story I have another, (non historically accurate) state and country humans story on my profile.

Also I made this while typing this chapter, and I figured I'd post it here. Don't ask how I got this sidetracked ok.

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