1 Year Writing Anniversary Special

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Welp, we did it. Today marks the one year anniversary of me starting to write on wattpad, and I've come a long way I think. When I first started to write it was just a way to pass time during online classes I wasn't paying attention to, but as time went on I started to love doing it more and more, and other people liked it too, because the first book I ever wrote on here now has over 1200 views, which is crazy to think about. That's 1200 people with their own stories of why they were on here, each of which took time out of their day to read at least the beginning of what was honestly a pretty bad book. Its people like y'all who keep me writing when I have writers block. Weather you put one of my stories in a reading list, voted for a chapter, left or comment, or even just stuck with one of my books, thanks so much.

Anyway, that's enough sentimental stuff, I bet your wondering why this is 2500 words long. Well I figured that realistically, I'm not a good writer, especially when it comes to dialogue. So what I've done is decided to do is from now on I'll just have a bot write for me.

To test this, I found a site that has an AI write a story based off what you tell it. Because I wanted the full experience, I paid 5 dollars for the premium bot that's more 'realistic.'

What I've done is put the prologue of "The Thirteenth Colony" to see how the world would be if I was a bot, which I'm not, I'm definitely a human, I just choose to fail captcha tests. Anyway, here's the story, as well as a picture it generated for the parts it wrote.

 Anyway, here's the story, as well as a picture it generated for the parts it wrote

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

It was a typical day in the colonies. Massachusetts was playing five figure filet, Rhode Island was asking New York to measure her again and see if she'd grown, Virginia was in a intense game of chess against New Hampshire, and Delaware was unsuccessfully trying to wake up Connecticut who was still asleep. But two states where missing.

"Come on South, Connecticut was just joking." North Carolina said as he walked at a matched pace with his southern twin across a open field wet with morning dew. "So, just to be clear, you promise that snow isn't real?" South asked suspiciously. Of course, North was lying through his teeth, but for the sake of the smaller state's peace of mind, he decided it was worth it. Before he could answer, he heard rustling in the bushes.
South jumped a bit at the noise, "It's snow, I knew it was real!" North just ignored the comment and slowly approached the bush.

Even though he hadn't looked behind him, he heard footsteps letting him know she was following his lead toward the bush. He reached down to his hilt he kept on his belt and laid a hand on his survivalist knife before he quickly moved the branches aside so as to surprise whatever, or whoever, was behind it.
At first he didn't see anything, then he lowered his gaze and saw someone on the ground surrounded by peach cores. As the figure turned around, North realized who this really was, but before he could say anything, south beat him to it. "A new state?"

To say this was unexpected was an understatement. That didn't mean it was an unwelcome surprise though, in fact it was quite the opposite. He always wished they're were more states around, even though he liked each of his siblings, he just wished they're were more of them. The young state just looked at the twins in puzzlement, so North decided to say something first. "Uhhh, hey there little guy. My name's North Carolina, and this," he pointed toward South, "is South Carolina, but people usually just call us North and South." He said slowly, trying to make sure that the new state understood. South decided to make sure he could, "Does what we're saying make sense to you," The peach loving state just nodded in response.

The Thirteenth Colony (State Humans/Country Humans)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt