Chapter 19: Broken Window

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After all North seen, there was very little that could truly scare him. But, even after his close encounters with death, nothing terrified more than the moments when his twin was truly pissed off. And judging by the way that she had just kicked in the door to the house they where staying in, this looked like one of those moments.

"Well, what did they say?" Virginia asked. South looked up in disgust before spitting on the floor. "That dam coward said that it'd be too scary to fight a slightly bigger navy, so sh- wait where's Georgia?"

"He left to go check up on where the French are, why do you ask?" South's face seemed to change in an instant from anger to worry. Quickly, she demanded, "When did he leave?" North shrugged, about two hours ago, why?"

"Shit. Ok, both of you, come on. We need to find him and fast."

Same Time

'Hopefully there's people actually here this time,' Georgia thought as he dismounted his horse and began to walk towards a farmhouse. He had been searching for soldiers to fight the French across the countryside for hours now but still only had found a hand full of people.

Everyone else had either already joined his forces or left with their families. 'Suppose I can't blame them, I wish I could just avoid the war too.'

As he walked up the porch-steps, he noticed a window by the side of the house was broken. "Not a great sign of it being inhibited." He whispered under his breath before coming face to face with the door. Now that he was up close to it, he noticed two iron spikes gleaming crimson red sticking out of the door. Looking closer, he realised the iron spikes were giant nails, the kind used for creating buildings.

As for the red gleam, it seemed like some kind of dried liquid. Slowly Georgia began to put the mental pieces together. The only crimson liquid he'd ever seen in his life, was the type that was sustaing it.

Trying not to jump to any conclusions, he nervously wrapped on the door with his knuckles. A minute went by with no response. Then two. Then three. Normally Georgia would have just left the house and assumed that the occupants simply left to avoid the war. But after seeing the nails, the broken window, and what he suspected to be blood, he couldn't help but investigate. Putting his hand on the doorknob, he hesitated for a moment.

Part of his brain was telling him to just leave, go on to the next farm and pretend this house was normal. The other half though demanded he investigate.

As the end, the latter half won and Georgia twisted the doorknob.

Ok ok I know this chapter was super short but let me explain. I originally planned on making this chapter way differently and changed it last minute so a lot of this chapter was cut. The second reason this is short is because I want to make a chapter addressing some stuff on wattpad, and since that doesn't apply to those of you reading on Amino, so I'm only releasing that part of the chapter on Wattpad. I don't plan on making my chapters short again, I usually try to keep each of them at 1000 minimum, and I plan on keeping it that way. This was just a one off thing.

Those of you on wattpad, there should be a second chapter uploaded with this one that contains the info.

Last Week's Joke: Why did the scarecrow get a promotion? He was the best employee in his field.

This Week's Joke: What happens when you get slapped across the face really fast?

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