Chapter 28: The Thirteenth And A Half Colony

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Upon seeing the gator toothed grin of his former friend, "Missouri just barley suppressed the urge to reach for his sidearm and gun him down right there. Barley. But he still froze in his tracks.

Florida made a fake pouty face, " What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" As far as Missouri knew, Florida shouldn't even know that he was alive, much less that he lost his ability to speak. That could only mean that he had been spying on him. The urge to reach for his sidearm grew stronger.

Almost in disgust, Missouri held out the painting in front of him. Feigning affection, Florida said, "A painting, for me?" Oh you shouldn't have." Missouri lowered his arms the second his felt Florida take hold of the painting.

His opposite number grinned, "I got to say though, I think I prefer that old style of yours. You know the one you used on that drawing of me on a alligator." If looks could kill Florida would have been a dead man.

The Spanish colony pressed on, "I bet you someone like our mutual friend from back at the cabin would like this style more. Shame about what happened to him though." Missouri's hand slid down to his hip and began to undo the strap of his holster. Florida seemed to take this as a sign to continue though.

"I mean, he got gunned down by his own sister. Such a tragic way to die. I guess those English are really savages underneath their fancy shtick, eh?" Missouri felt his knuckles go white as he began to grip his pistol. Just before things could escalate further though, an English colony appeared.

"So sorry to interrupt gents, but might I ask for some assistance with grabbing some wine from the cellar?" Florida's nose flared a little in annoyance.

"Don't you have servants for that?"

The English colony locked eyes with the Spaniard with a grin that, in other circumstances, would have seemed friendly, "Funnily enough, I just gave them the night off."

Hours Later

Missouri breathed in the crisp summer air. It had taken a while, but he had finally managed to get away from the handshakes and fake smiles that made up the after negotiations party. Completely undetected, A voice spoke from behind him, "Beautiful view isn't it?"

Turning his head, Missouri was greeted by face of the English colony from earlier. Missouri shrugged, partially because he couldn't talk, and partially because he didn't feel like having a conversation right now anyway.

The colony held out a bottle towards Missouri, "You look like someone that could use a drink right about now. Go on, aged fifty years." With a mental shrug, Missouri took the bottle and undid the cork, downing half in the bottle in one big gulp.

The Englishman chuckled before holding out his hand towards the French colony, "I'm Virginia. Your Missouri, I presume?" He asked the last part in the tone of a question that was unquestionable.

The two went on to chat for a bit, Virginia with his suave words and Missouri with his diary, until two whole empty bottles of wine lay at the pair's feet.

'Can't believe all of this was caused over something as small as a misunderstanding,' Missouri wrote. Virginia went silent for a moment as he gathered his thoughts, before saying, "I have a strong feeling we never would have uncovered another misunderstanding without this one."

Missouri wasn't quite sure what Virginia meant by that, but even if he did, his next action would have been to down a little more wine regardless.

Three Months Later

Every time North Carolina came out to these parts of the woods, he was filled with a sense of unease. After all, these were the same tree's were Georgia and him used to play in, the same empty logs the two would hide their moonshine in, the same peach trees the two had planted, and the same bushes where the twins had found their sibling.

Regardless of what Ame said about Georgia being just as likely to show up there anywhere else as the same place he appeared the firs time, North still set apart hours of his time every day to visit the area, just in case he did turn up again. His siblings had been supportive of the tradition at first, but after months of nothing happening, even South gave up coming out there.

North heard his stomach make a large growl. He had been so eager to come to this part of the woods he hadn't even had time for breakfast, A mistake he was beginning to regret. As he day dreamed about all the food that was back at the mansion, a peach appeared in front of his vision. Once his eyes adjusted to the new depth of field, he spotted the arm holding out the peach.

Following the arm with his eye's, he might have seen a ghost. There, stood in front of him with a bored expression on his face, was Georgia! Or at least someone who had the same appearance Georgia had as a newborn.

Once the shock had subsided, tears streamed down North's face as he embraced his brother in a tight hug, "Of course the first time I ever see you your offering me a goddamn peach." He mused, tears still staining his face.

For all the pain and punishment of the last year, North, as well as his family, had something almost no one else could truly boast.

A second chance, marked by a fresh perspective.

For all those reading the present, I have another chapter ready for tomorrow. Its not a story chapter it's just some cut content and acknolgments, as well as explanations about the story.

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