Chapter 15: I Bet You...

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"Five hundred forty three bottles of beer on the wall, five hundred forty three bottles. You take one down, you pass it around, Five hundred forty two bottles of beer on wall." Sang the Carolina twins from the back of the wagon.

It had been a few days now since the colonies had split up. Georgia, Virginia, and the Carolinas had been sent to Savannah to ready it's defense. Scotland would ride with their army and follow behind them with reinforcements to add to the city's militia.

"Five hundred forty two bottles of beer on the wall, five hundred forty two bottles. You take one down, you pass it around, Five hundred forty on-"

"Will you shut the up!" Virginia yelled from the driver's seat. Georgia could hear laughter erupt from the coach at that, "I told you he'd snap before we hit four hundred, looks like you owe me twenty pounds." South said with and audible grin.

Georgia could hear some coins jingle as North presumably handed South her winnings. The four rode in silence for a minute before North yelled from the back, "So why are we heading towards Savannah again?"

Virginia rolled his eyes, "Didn't you pay even the slightest bit of attention at the briefing?" North let out a laugh, "You don't end up looking this good without getting enough beauty sleep Virginia."

Georgia turned back to face the coach, "If that's what you look like with beauty sleep, I pray I never see you tired."

South and Virginia both laughed heartily at the joke, "If you weren't in shotgun right now I'd.." North mumbled.

After the laughter died down, North grumbled, "You still never answered my question." Virginia groaned, "We need to get to Savannah before it gets invaded that's the sum of it. Maybe next time you could sleep in the carriage? We both know you were never going to steer."

"As if I'll ever be able to sleep in a carriage again. Last time I let my guard down on the road, a crazy guy with a gun tried to murder us."

"Not to mention almost succeeded." South murdered from the corner of her mouth as her usual ever present smile flickered for a moment. A grim silence descended upon the group. Hoping to lighten the mood, Georgia said, "I bet the others are lost somewhere in the snow right now."

Virginia waved his hand dismisivly, "If it wasn't for Hampshire they probably would be."

"I bet Jersey's complain 'bout the cold right now." North said with a smile.

South chuckled, "I bet Maryland has that usual dead-eyed look."

Georgia threw in, "I bet Pennsylvania has to drag Rhode along behind him."

Even Virginia joined in with, "I bet York is trying to buy or sell something."

After the four went back and forth with their new game for a little, North said, "I bet CT is skining a buck right now."

South slap North on the back playfully, "Come on, that's a given. CT's always hunting something."

"She dose seem to enjoy killing just a little too much." Virginia pondered.

Georgia thought about that for a second. He never thought of CT as someone who would enjoy hurting someone.

In retrospect, she often would go hunting multiple times a day. Snapping him out of his thoughts, North said, "Nah she just goes after animals. They're just there to be shot and eaten. Now Mass...

Georgia shuddered a little, there was someone who had always worried him, and they where on good terms.

"Feels like he's just been waiting for an excuse to kill someone." Georgia said.

"You two are right. All those times he'd just stood there staring out over the landscape, holding his musket." For a brief second, Georgia thought he saw just a little worry behind South's eyes.

Something about that look triggered something in Georgia. He couldn't say what it was about the slight loss of facade that did it for him but it helped him see a picture that had been assembling for years.

The twins were both scared from their near death experience, CT might be harboring a darker side then she was letting on, Mass was Mass, and it felt like Ame was always busy helping one colony, so much so that he couldn't help folks much of the time.

'Dam, this is one dysfunctional family now that I think about it,' he thought to himself with a small grimace.

'When this fighting is over, I'm helping everyone. No matter what their problem is I'm going help them through it-'

"Geoooorgia, hellooo? Earth to Georgia." North snapped him out of his thoughts. He turned and smiled back at his brother. "You feeling ok? You started staring off into space there for bit."

Georgia forced his lips into a smile and nodded at North, "Yeah, I'm just tired."

"Don't get too much sleep on some hay in the back of a carriage huh?" North asked sarcastically.

Georgia just kept smiling, "I just had a lot on my mind is all"

Yep I'm not dead! I am going to live forever. As promised here is chapter ten. Reallllly sorry about the wait I wasn't feeling to well which makes its impossible to focus on writing because of my ADHD. Anyway, progress update is out now so remember to check that out.

Last week's joke: A man with jumper cables walks into a bar... The bartender says, "Alright, I'll serve you. But don't start anything."

This week's joke: What do cows do when they get married?

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