Chapter 23: The Light Of Life

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Neither Missouri, nor Georgia spoke much on the ride to Florida. On Georgia's part, it was due to anticipation, for if he could kill off one of the leaders of the men attacking his city and his siblings, and make peace with the other, then it might be a actual possibility to save win this battle. But only if he was successful.

Missouri, on the other hand, was questioning his decision for the whole ride. In just a hour, he had gone from making his friend a present, to planning his demise. Yet what other chance did he have? All signs pointed to Florida being a mad dog that needed to be put down.

Both were snapped out of their thoughts upon arrival at a small cabin. "This the place?" Georgia asked. Missouri nodded, before realizing that it was unlikely the other colony had seen it in the dense fog or darkness of the night. He let out a nervous, "Yeah."

Hearing the fear in the voice of his new ally, Georgia grabbed his shoulder. "There's nothing to worry about, there's two of us and one of him." He said in a hushed voice so as not to alert the cabin's resident. Missouri shook his head, "That's not it, it's just-" He sighed deeply, "What if I'm doing the wrong thing. No offense but I'm taking your word over that of someone I've known for months now. What if it's all a mistake?"

The French colony couldn't see what the other colony was doing precisely due to the weather, then he felt something get draped over his shoulders. Looking at it, it was the English state's red coat. "That coat is one that for all my life has been a symbol of strength and courage too me. When my family gave me mine for the first time, I was ecstatic. I've never had a single enemy were this red coat. So if your wearing it, then that means we have to be allies, fighting to bring down a monster."

Inspired by his new friend's little speech, Missouri took off his own coat. They're hadn't been enough of the right kind of dyes to make it light blue like his comrades would wear, instead it was a navy blue. Handing it to Georgia, he said, "Then take mine too, brother."

Same Time

CT followed through the dark the best she could. The only way she could tell that her siblings were still with her were by the light of their lanterns. The last town they had entered, a man told them of a abandoned cabin travelers often used to rest in during long treks. Especially through an area crawling with the French,  resting in a remote cabin sounded like a good idea to her.

Same Time

Georgia lifted his foot before slamming it right into the center of the door to the cabin. Barging in, he saw a surprised colony standing inside. Florida. Both the Spanish colony's eyes went back and forth between his assailants that now stood on the other side of the room. "Missouri? What the hell is going on, and why is crash with you."

In a betrayed voice, Missouri bellowed, "I found out, Florida. I finally found out. How many people did you kill, innocent people, who never did anything to you."

By now Florida seemed a bit more calm, if unsure as to what was going on. "Your going to have to use your big boy words and explain to me what your talking about here."

Now beyond anger, Missouri screamed, "What else could I be talking about!? I found a body dead, no brutalized, with massive gator bite marks in it. Why in God's name did you do it!?" Florida shrugged, I've killed a lot of people Missouri, you can't except me to remember all the reasons I've done it."

"You son of a-" Georgia cut off Missouri before he did anything reckless, "Florida, in light of evidence of crimes committed by you that violate the rules of warfare, honor and humanity itself, you are under arrest. Disarm yourself and put your hands behind you head."

There was a silence for a moment, then Florida let out a spew of laughter, "I never could have seen this coming when I woke up this morning, you two, trying to arrest me?" He spat out more laughter. Then, suddenly, he stopped halfway through and lunged at Missouri, bearing his gator teeth. Missouri just barley managed to avoid the hit, dodging away towards Georgia. No matter who one this fight, it was clear someone wouldn't be leaving this cabin alive.

That's right, I've returned for a final time, bringing with me the final chapters of what many thought to be a dead book. But to quote myself from when this book stared, "Nothing short of losing a arm will warrant a hiatus. I might pause for writer's block, but this story will not be left to die like all the others."

I know many of you have been here from the beginning, and many have joined along the way. To both of you, thanks so much. But enough sappy stuff, lets get on to the info for the book.


There won't be a progress update after 25 because of two things. First off, there isn't really a need for one since I've been focused of this story exclusively pretty much. And second off, I have another thing that will essentially fill its role.


This one physically pains me but it must be done. There will be no after chapter puns and jokes here, because I'm worried it will kill the tone and pacing of these dramatic chapters. I know most people reading this are gonna be disappointed in me, I myself am very upset with myself, but I believe that, even though this will likely cost me 95% of my audience, it must be done.

The Thirteenth Colony (State Humans/Country Humans)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora