Progress Update 24/8/22

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Hey y'all, it's been a while since I've done one of these but here we go.

Chapter 20

Before we really start, I just wanted to say that chapter 20 is gonna be coming out tomorrow instead of tonight. I know that this happens fairly frequently with this book but trust me, you'll see why it needed more polish tomorrow.

New Story

One thing I think every writer at least tries at some point is listening to music while they write. Most people listen to lowfi, pop, ect. But usually I let the recommended playlist pick for me and one of the "genres" of music that it picks out a lot is Prussian marching hyms.

So that got me thinking, what if I made a country humans story in honor of the best empire to ever empire? I'm not planning to make a book about it but I think that a series of short stories would be fun to write. That's why I'm planning on making it a series in my short stories book.

Anyway, because this is Prussia, here's your daily Prussian motivational speech that I found at three in the morning

Deer god, what have I done

The aMAZING Escape

No, my caps lock didn't break, this is a new story I'm working on. I don't want to spoil too much since this story is all about mystery, so here's the description.

"As humans, we have a basic need to understand things. We can't just leave the unknown alone and walk away. Our brains will always tell us to fill in the gaps in our knowledge, even if it puts us in danger. This story exists as a test to see if a need for knowledge can push our minds over a wall of ignorance and into enlightenment."

Fallout: Party Mode

This is kind of a weird announcement so bare with me. First off, I'm aware most of y'all reading this don't play Fallout, but I figured I'd put this here anyway in case anyone was interested.

I'm not gonna go into detail about the game and what it's lore is but basically, Fallout is set in a post-apocalypse that happens after a dystopian world.

Why this is important is I plan on writing a fanfic about the games. All the characters are gonna be original, but it will be set in those games. Even if you haven't played them, I'm gonna try and write in a way so that you can kind of get into the story without playing Fallout.

The important, defining feature of this fabric though, is that the audience is in control. I'll be posting a new chapter on the Fallout Amino with a poll at the bottom that lets the readers pick what happens next. Then I'll write the next chapter based off the winner.

I can't really do this on Wattpad since I don't have a big enough following but maybe if this account starts to grow I'll do something like that there, or even on the state humans amino. I write under the same name on both platforms so if any of that interests you, check it out.

Well, the French police are currently outside because of that video, so I've got to go now. See you in 5 years

The Thirteenth Colony (State Humans/Country Humans)Where stories live. Discover now