Chapter 25: Suffer With Me

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Normally I don't do trigger warnings cause there's nothing that bad in these chapters but... This is your warning things are about to get very mildly bad.

A sadistic laugh filled the small cabin containing the colonies. Florida looked over his accomplishments with his gator teeth on full display. For a brief second, he thought he might actually be in danger when those two showed up. But then they hit him with all the, 'Your under arrest,' shit, and he knew he'd be fine. Although to their credit, they had turned a boring night into quite the memorable occasion.

He gave the unconscious body of Crash a good kick to make sure he was still unconscious before turning back to his other assailant. Perhaps not understanding that the fight was over, Missouri tried his best to crawl over to the axe which was wedged in the floor still. Laughing a bit, Florida removed the axe from the floorboards and threw it on the ground next to Missouri.

"Go on then. Since you still think this is a winnable fight for you, first hits free." He said, holding his arms to the side. Placing his hands around the axe handle, Missouri used it as a prop to stand up despite his new injuries. Gripping it as hard as he could, he walked over to his former friend.

Lifting the axe head in the air, he tried to bring it down on the unmoving Spanish colony. Only to miss just barley, falling to the ground with the axe due to his injuries.

Florida burst out laughing again, "Holy shit, I gave you such a opening and you still missed." Walking over, he delivered a swift kick to the exposed stomach of the French colony.

"Well you two," Florida said, addressing one colony who was unconscious and another who was badly injured, "Tonight has truly been a blast, I had a killer time, I truly did. But there's only so much space at a poker table,  and to make room for new players, someone has to cash out." He said, lifting the wood cutting axe off the ground.

"You've both been a blast but, after careful consideration, Missouri's sister and cousin really pissed me off, so he's getting axed."

Walking over to the aforementioned colony, Florida held up the axe blade right up to his throat. Coughing a bit and looking Florida right in the eyes, Missouri managed to hiss out, " hell." A few more barking laughs left the Spanish colony's lips, "I already told you. I don't take orders from anyone."

In a swift motion, the axe head cut across the flesh on Missouri's throat, a spray of blood covering the cold steel of the weapon. Without another word, Florida left as Missouri put his onto his opened throat in a attempt to stop the blood.

Meanwhile, Georgia's eyes began to open. For a brief second he wasn't sure where he was. He remembered meeting one of the French colonies, they were going somewhere and...

Suddenly it all popped back into his head. Jumping up, Georgia looked around for his adversary. Only a few seconds later did his eyes land on his bleeding out friend. Running over to him, he saw just how bad the situation was. He tried to remember what South had taught him about medicine.

'Need to stop the flow of blood.' He thought as he looked around for anything that he could use as a cloth. Seeing nothing on the ground, he searched his own pockets, also coming up empty. Knowing he didn't have much time left, he desperately searched the wounded colony's pockets, finally feeling something that felt like paper.

Pulling it out quickly, he wrapped it up over the bleeding throat, which the now unconscious Missouri's hand had fallen from. 'Got to keep it in place.' He thought, looking around for something that could work as an adhesive.

His vision landed on a pair of knitting needles. Finding nothing else to use, Georgia began his work, putting needles gently through just the skin of Missouri's neck, then attaching them to the paper.

After the fourth needle, he decided that it should be able to hold for now. Seeing Missouri's eyes flair open for a brief second, Georgia frantically said, "Just stay here for now. I'm getting help."

Same Time

Through the thick darkness and fog that had plagued the night, Connecticut saw the the outline of a small cabin. "Finally," she mumbled under her breath. The night was bitterly cold so she was anxious to sit by a fire and sleep. She'd even ridden ahead alone despite the danger in the hope of speeding up the process.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound a foot kicking on wood. She peered ahead and saw something. Or someone. Her hand instantly went to her wheel lock pistol, aiming it ahead at the noise.

After a few moments that felt like hours, she began to see a shape. It was a person, and they were wearing a military uniform, but she couldn't discern the color of their coat. Aiming her pistol at the figure, she readied herself to shoot at the figure should they turn out to be a enemy.

Finally she saw a hint of the color blue. Without a second thought, almost by instinct, CT took the shot.

The figure fell to the ground, letting out a shriek. Dismounting her horse, CT walked to the source of the screams. A few feet later, she noticed a few colors and stripes on the skin of the person, indicating she must have just shot a French colony.

As she began to flip over the state, she froze with her arms half way to their destination. The body had let out a moan. And it was moan she recognized. One she heard after her youngest sibling refused to wake up in the morning, or fell off their horse. All the hair on CT's neck stood up as she gently lifted the head of the colony up. "God, no no, not him." She stammered.

But, to confirm her worst fears, she looked dead in the eye a bleeding Georgia. "CT?" Was all Georgia could manage to say before hacking up blood on his sister's cheek.

"No." Was all CT had managed to croke from the back of her now dry throat. "Georgia, doesn't matter." She said, leaning down to look at his wound. It wasn't good, the bullet had straight through a part of his body she couldn't even identify anymore, deflating it like a balloon. "CT..." The dying colony moaned out again.

CT tried to quiet him, "Shh, not no Georgia, save your strength." Despite her words she didn't know what she could do. But there had to be some kind of way to save him, it couldn't all end like this.

Ignoring his siblings words, Georgia raised a now bloody hand to his sister's shoulder, "CT. Inside the him." Was all he could manage. CT shook her head. "Shut up, I'm saving you. Your going to make it you have to."

A small frown spread across the colony's face, "Guess I won't be able to keep that promise then." And, with those words, he took one last look at his sister, the person he had been with when this all started, and closed his eyes, letting death take him.

The Thirteenth Colony (State Humans/Country Humans)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu