Chapter 3: We Didn't Want War

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Georgia sat in an old wooden rocking chair looking intensely at the chess set on the table in front of him. "Quit stalling and give it up already," New Hampshire bellowed at him from parallel of the game. The two had been playing for a while now, and the older state had trapped Georgia into a sticky situation. Hampshire had his rook putting Georgia's king into check, and the only way to save it was to sacrifice his queen taking the rook, and allowing the other pieces to capture it.

With a sigh the peach state moved his queen into position. A small smile spread across the northern state's face. "Not a fair trade," Georgia mumbled under his breath.

Hampshire looked him dead in the eyes, "This ain't just a chess tip, but remember that sometimes you have to give something up or do something you don't want to do to keep a game going." It was good advice, but before Georgia really had a chance to think about it, New York came in. "Dinner is in an hour. Virginia should be here by then so you to best be there on time."

That was welcome news if Georgia had ever heard it. His missed the diplomatic state, and more importantly, he could keep Hampshire busy with chess.

Same Time

Scotland entered the big throne room where England spent most of his time. He kneeled as he arrived in front of the large intimidating country. "You wanted to see me sire?" He asked.

"Indeed I do." He said in a booming voice. "We've been targeted by an unjust declaration of war by not only France, but also Spain." As far as bad news went that definitely was up there for why he could have been summoned for. He'd fought both of them before, as had the others, but it almost killed him last time, not to mention hurt his warrior pride.

"Do to these developments, I am hereby calling upon your service. You are to ready yourself for battle and prepare for a departure." Scotland rose and bowed, "I am truly humbled to be chosen for such a role. I shall be ready for your orders, whatever they might be, your grace."

Somewhere inside of him apart of him was disheartened to hear of the outbreak of a war, and more importantly, the huge loss of life that would follow. Another side of him though felt excited to get a chance to fight again. As he left the throne room, he heard someone bellow from inside his head, 'After all, what is a warrior without a war?'

Scotland didn't know the answer to that question, and he also didn't know if he wanted to find out.

Same Time

Missouri sat in his room writing in his diary. He'd  had the book for nearly as long he could remember. It had been a Christmas gift from his cousin, Quebec. It had a black leather case with a feather engraved in it. He'd often write his thoughts or experiences in it's pages, but today he drew a large field, with grassy hills, a few trees, and most importantly, him, his sister and they're neighbors standing arm-in-arm in the middle.

Just then he heard a knock at the door, "Come in," he yelled as he closed and lowered his diary. In came his big sister, Louisiana, wearing her usual racoon hat. "I's got good news Missouri!" She said as she jumped on his bed. "Ok then, spill it."

"Well, you know how you keep saying you wanna meet the neighbors? We have one coming over soon, plus a few other folks."

Missouri felt his heart leap at that. He had always wanted to meet the people he'd seen from time to time, but he and Louisiana weren't allowed to for whatever reason. "That's great, but why are they coming?"

As if she was wearing a mask before, suddenly Louisiana's usual big grin turned into a sad stare. "We have to have a talk real quick, about what's been going on recently in the world."

Forty Five Minutes Later

As Georgia sat in his chair at the long table in the center of the dinning room. He had been the last state to arrive, aside from Virginia. From across the table, North called out, "So South, what's dinner today?" The states rotated who cooked daily, with today being South's turn. "Pancakes, hashbrowns, eggs and bacon." She replied as she brought in steaming plates of food.

New York checked his watch, "It's ten thirty. Why are we having breakfast food?" He asked.

Before she could answer, Delaware yelled from his seat, "It's on account of the fact that South can only cook one thing." He started to chuckle a bit at his own joke, but he was stopped by a knife landing stuck in the wall a few inches right of his head. When he looked to see where it had come from, he saw a pissed South Carolina glaring at him, "If you gonna make a joke about cooking, you'd better be able to cook something that doesn't move of it's own accord."

Just as Georgia was about to say something to try and defuse the situation, the door opened, revealing a somber looking Virginia and Ame.

Missouri's Diary

Today Louisiana told me a tale of cruelty I've never heard of before. I had always wanted to meet the states and engage them in a conversation. Now I want to meet them on the battlefield, to engage them with saber and sword.

I know that Louisiana and Missouri weren't states yet or anything, but St. Louis and New Orleans were so I decided to put them in because I thought it would help flesh out the story. Anyway, if you made it this far then congratulations! You made it past the first four chapters that were basically just exspostion that were the first four chapters. Now that you've met the characters, leave a comment if you have any thoughts about them, or if you wanna say who your favorite so far is. Or leave a comment on if you have any predictions.

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