Progress Update 5/19/22

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Yes I know that last chapters joke was terrible and no I'm not sorry. Anyway there isn't that much here but there is a bit to cover so here we go.


While I was sick I decided that I would do something for the story that I wouldn't have to concentrate to hard on. So what I decided to do was transfer this story onto the state humans amino. That was more complicated than I thought it would be, but I got it in the end. I'm in the process of editing the last chapters but chapter 1-10 are published on there.

Why should you care? Because this a chance to bring up Amino. For those who don't know Amino is a social media that allows you to find communities devoted to certain topics. Its kinda hard to explain but its a great app, and definitely worth a download. But there is not only a country humans Amino, but a decently well populated state humans amino. I just wanted to talk about it here because the community is super wholesome, and I'd really recommend making an account even if social media isn't really your thing. There's art chat rooms polls and even role-playing if that's your thing. I'll be on there with the same username so if you see me in a chat room say high.


I think I've just about finalized it. We're getting a short stories book at some point in the future. I love writing short stories and they seem like they'd work perfectly for some ideas of mine.

I've already got a few story ideas in mind, but if you have any ideas I'd love to write them, no matter the state (or even country).

No clue when this will come out but it will at some point.

That's all I have for now because I'm tired but I might add to it later.

The Thirteenth Colony (State Humans/Country Humans)Where stories live. Discover now