Chapter 16: Midnight Suprise

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Quebec stared at the peak of her tent unblinking as night fell across the camp. She had been given control of all soldiers not actively deployed on the new offensives days ago, and ever since then, something had begun to nag at her. She didn't know what it was, but, for the first time she could remember, she couldn't sleep.

Even after everything she'd done, never once had she had this insomnia before. Not after her recent massacre of the English, not after lying to Missouri, not even after personally executing deserters. "Screw it." She mumbled, getting to her feat and putting on her boots and a coat.

A cool breeze hit her face as she pulled open the tent flap and stepped outside. She had placed her tent in the rear on a hill overlooking the rest of the camp to serve as a sort of symbol to her men. She was grateful she had made that decision now that she was up at night.

If she had decided to place her tent in the middle of camp, she likely would have woken at least some of her men with her nighttime stroll. Then all it would have taken would have been a single jumpy militia man with a loaded flint lock who thought they heard a raider to take her head off her shoulders.

As she thought, her legs began to move automatically, guiding her through the darkness towards the river. As she peared down into her reflection on the clear water, it struck her.

"I miss them, don't I?" For as long as she could remember, her she had been alone. The men under her command had always liked for the most part, but it had been a simple respect from a soldier towards their commander.

She had siblings back home, but she had never gotten along with them. As far as Quebec was concerned, they were lazy, weak, and always eager to please Canada. In fact, one of the reasons she had taken this assignment was to get away from her brothers and sisters.

But ever since she went south, she had grown a sense of companionship without her even knowing. Louisiana was as great a friend as anyone could ask for and Missouri had become like a brother to her in recent months. From a certain point of view, she could even see Florida like an annoying brother.

The more she thought about it, the more she dreaded heading back north. 'Maybe I don't have to..' She thought as she picked up a nearby rock and throwing it across the water. 'Maybe they'll need another set of hands to manage the area. After all, the southern French territory was huge. After the war is over maybe-'

Her thoughts were cut off by the ever so subtle noise of a branch being moved. It could of been an animal, but then why would it go through a bush so close to a person? Anything big enough to hunt people would have  made much more noise. It had to have a person, and if they where friendly, they wouldn't have felt the need to hide themselves.

Causally, she picked up a larger rock as though she hadn't noticed the noise and planned on skipping stones. Then, waiting to make sure she caught the person off guard, she began to raise her hand. 'Now or never.' Quebec turned as quick as lighting to find what looked to be another country standing a foot taller than her holding a large dagger.

Thinking fast, she swung the hand holding the mini boulder towards the attacker, nearly hitting them before they could dodge. The attacker and Quebec began circling each other, searching for a break in the other's defenses.

Hoping to distract the attacker, Quebec asked sarcastically, "Lovely night to try and stab someone in the back, isn't it?" The attacker gave a small, almost invisible, shrug of his shoulders, "Nothing personal, I just prefer a fight I'm guaranteed to win."

"You know they say overconfidence makes you careless?" The taller state smirked, "It's not overconfidence if its a sure thing."

"But ho-" Without giving any indication beforehand, Quebec lunged at the attacker. The attacker was just a moment too late to block the blow, getting hit hard in the chest and losing his knife. Missouri reached for the knife and took it in her hand, before charging the attacker who had managed to get off the ground. Seeing the blade coming towards his face and with no way to stop it, the attacker tasked his arms in front of the knife.

Quebec felt the knife as it pierced through skin as though it was butter. Beginning to twist, the attacker groaned in pain. But in her rush to take the offensive, she had left an opening. Summoning all his strength, the attacker raised his knee into Quebec. The attack staggered her long enough for Massachusetts, now covered in stab wounds, to run away into the wilderness, with hid attack having been a failure.

I don't know why combat chapters like these are always so difficult. Anyway, sorry I'm late again but there's a reason for that. For anyone who doesn't write, its kind of difficult to explain but basically, when a story reaches a certain point, the writer often over thinks the story. This can have a few effects.

1.) The writer writes multiple things and decides none of them are good enough
2.) The writer is to scared to even try to write
3.) The writer begins to think that what they've written up to this point is garbage

Generally after one of these happens, the writer has a new idea, puts the story on hold and we never hear from them again. But I'm determined not to stop. It just takes longer to get chapters out. If you check on Thursdays you've got about an average of 1/2 chance of a new chapter. I'm doing my best to get through it but I may miss a few Wednesday's.

Anyway, this next piece of info probably doesn't matter, but I figured I'd include it anyway. I've begun to go to sleep at 5 am since school ended and wake up at like 10-11. That means that I may be updating at Thursday mornings instead of Wednesday nights, depending on when I write. When I say morning I mean 1am-5-am so this only affects you if your sleeping schedule is as destroyed as mine but if it is and I haven't updated on a Wednesday, check later in the day.

Anyway, the short stories book should be up soon. I'm planning to release it with a few chapters instead of one to start it.

Last weeks joke: What do cows do when they get married? They mooove in together

This weeks joke: There is...

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