Chapter 4:

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Missouri was awoken by the sound of someone wrapping their knuckles against the door. "I'll get it." He heard Louisiana say as he stood up. He had been drawing last night when he must have fallen asleep in his chair.

He quickly made himself presentable and headed out towards the front door. When he got there he saw Louisiana talking to his cousin Quebec. When the latter saw him, she held out her arms. "Hey there Missouri. Been a while hasn't it?" The two exchanged a quick hug before they heard someone class their throat behind them. They turned to see someone someone he didn't know standing in the living room.

The new colony said, "Well ain't that just a heartwarming sight. A family reunion." Louisiana put a hand down to her waist where she had her flintlock pistol in it's holster. "Who the hell are you and where did you come from?" she said.

The strange colony shrugged his shoulders, "To answer your first question, my name is Florida. I've been sent here to help you with your fight against the English by Spain. I was told you would have been informed of my arrival. As for your second question, I noticed your chimney was open and it seemed a good test of your reactions."

In an attempt to keep Florida and Louisiana from killing each other, Missouri said, "Ok then, I'm sure you two must be exhausted by both your trips. How about I make us some tea?"


After Virginia finished telling his tail, and Ame told the colonies of their new state if war, a silence filled the air. Then New Jersey smiled, "Life here's been too boring anyway. A war sounds pretty good about now." Soon the other states joined in the cheering, with the exceptions of Virginia, Delaware, CT, Georgia, and Massachusetts, although the latter mostly was just silent in general.

Of all the states, Georgia was a little surprised that CT out of everyone wasn't cheering for the war. He decided that he would ask her about it later.

Same Time

Scotland sat in his chambers polishing his old sword. He had owned and used the blade for almost a millennia now, and it had always been more handy and reliable than any musket. It's blade shone a bit in the candle light. He heard a voice in his head say, 'Finally another chance to add yet more kills to my name.'

He shook his head, "And where did that bloodlust of yours get us last time? With me getting my ear cut off." He scratched his left ear where a line of stiches that connected his ear to his head made there mark.

The voice snarled, 'You can't escape who you are. If you could, then I wouldn't be here.' Suddenly there was a knock at the door. When Scotland opened it, he saw an courier standing there holding a letter. He grabbed it and read it's contents.

Orders for: Scotland

Scotland, upon receiving this documentation, you are to immediately set sail for the Thirteen Colonies and America.

His majesty,
Great Britain

Upon reading the letter, Scotland felt a small pang of excitement. The last time he had been to the colonies, little Georgia had just been born. He was happy to see how they were doing, he just wished it was under better circumstances.

Sorry about the short chapter, I've been feeling sick and couldn't focus on writing. Next chapter will be longer to make up for it.

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