Chapter 8: A Shot In The Sky

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Scotland halted in front of a wooden sign at the fork of a road. He took a look to see where the other two ways went, the first said, 'Charleston' in warn out letters. The other one though had, 'Savannah,' carved into it.

Scotland spoke aloud to himself for a moment, "And if I just came from Savannah, then where do you lead." He paused for a moment as if the road would talk back. When it didn't, he sighed and jumped on his new horse, "Suppose we can't just be given all the answers now can we?"

5 Hours Later

Missouri felt himself sweat as he used the butt of his musket to block a strike from Quebec's wooden sword. The two had been sparring since she had arrived and although he had learned a lot about combat, he still wasn't much of a match for his cousin.

As he blocked another blow to his torso, Quebec swept her leg under Missouri, knocking him to the ground.

After he had regained his senses, he took Quebec's hand and got to his feet, "Good job, that's fifteen seconds longer than last time."

Missouri rolled his eyes, "Yeah, another fifteen seconds of fighting. The English don't stand a chance." Quebec glared at him, "You might not be a good fighter yet, but where you at this point this time last year?"

Missouri snorted, "If it takes me a year to turn into a good soldier, we might as well go surrender right now."

3 Hours Later

Florida had been laying in wait for the English to arrive for almost two hours before he heard the clatter of cloved feet against dirt. Pulling out his periscope he spied the carriage.

A first he felt disappointed seeing only the driver without a passenger next them, then he relized it was a state controlling the carriage. He mentally shrugged, "Welp, killing is killing." He said under his breath as he raised his flint lock to the sky.

15 Seconds Later

Georgia had been behind the reins of the horses for hours on the way to his capital city for hours now, and yet hew had yet to see a single farm. Just as he was about to call back into the carriage, he saw a figure stand up and raise a pistol into the air.

Before Georgia had time to react the figure shot into the sky, spooking the horses. Georgia tried to raging control, but his carriage crashed into a tree, falling over, and unceremoniously throwing him to the ground next to it.

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