So I actually finished this what?(Cut Content, Future Projects, Ect.)

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Yeah, the title pretty much says it all. This story has never been far from my thoughts the entire time I've been writing this. And I've been writing this for a long time. To put it into perspective for anyone reading it after it came out, in the one and a half years it's been since I've started writing this, I learned basic Latin, got five certifications, shaved for the first time, gone up through half the ranks in boyscouts, almost got held back in school twice, (funnily enough, both were for classes based around writing), come close to during , and in all that time I've been writing this book.

Its so surreal to not be thinking about what should happen next chapter, or how a characters arc should go. Instead I'm filled with this weird feeling of pride. Its so strange to think about because on one hand, I know this story really isn't that amazing. Sure I did my best with it, but I'm fully aware that this story isn't especially good. But on the other hand, when I began writing, it was for a simple reason. And that reason is that there were no stories which predominantly featured my state of Georgia as a main character. And I remember thinking that the only way that Georgia could really get a story his own, was if I was the one to write it. I had to discontinue the other two attempts of mine at making Georgia a star, (shootout to my least read book, two sides of the same coin....I usually try to forget that it exists tbh.) But then this book came along I promised that, no matter what, I would finish this thing. And now, I've finally done it, and accomplished the goal that I started on years ago.

Anyway, I know none of you guys are here for this sentimental stuff, so lets get into this juicy stuff.

Possible Sequel

If you look at the description of this book, you'll notice that it says, "part one in the good old day series." That's cause, when I started this book, I planned on making it a series about important events in America's history, told through state humans. As of right now, that has yet to change. But I do plan on writing the next story a bit different. I won't release chapters one at a time, but in groups like I did with the end here. That won't be the case with all my new stories, but I'd like to try something different, you know? And speaking of new stories.

A True Self Insert

A hobby of mine for a while now has been to look for self insert books on Wattpad. But there's one thing that all those stories, good or bad, have in common. They aren't self inserts. The main character has set of predetermined skills, personality, morals ect. That why I plan on a story that lets you create a character and decide how to handle situations. Its not a branching story, since all the roads lead to the same endpoint, but you do get to choose how you get there.

A Northern Perspective

Since this story was mostly about southern states, CT aside of course, I was thinking about writing a few chapters about what was happening to the northern states during all this. That would probably be making an appearance in the short story book, if it ends up being made.

Updates on Past Story Ideas


My idea for a country humans story based off Rome is in, more or less, development hell at the moment. Currently, the only characters who I've figured out all the details for are Ostrogoth, Visigoth, East-Rome, the Roman Republic, and the Kingdom of Rome. The problem with a country humans story from this time is that there's just so much to cover, and so much I HAVE to take creative liberties on. And when I say have to, it's not because I need to keep the story interesting or something, it's because all the historical records about an event or time just disappeared and no-one really knows what happened. What I think I'll do is write a short story about one of the character arcs I have planned and post it in my short story book, then see how it goes from there.

The Thirteenth Colony (State Humans/Country Humans)Where stories live. Discover now