Chapter 2: If They Want War

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As CT and Georgia's carriage approached their home, they heard someone yell in the distance, "Halt! Identify yourself."

A frown appeared on CT's face, "You know dam well who we are Mass. And stop pointing that musket at us."

"What's the pass code?" He asked monotone. "The pass code is 'shoot me and I'll haunt the hell out of you as a ghost." She said before she started to move the carriage back towards the stables past the paranoid state

Under his breath Massachusetts muttered, "Well, at least I know that's definitely Connecticut." As he watched the carriage disappear into the dense fog.

Once the carriage entered the stable, the two states took the hunted game from the back of it, put it over their shoulders, and headed to the cabin they called home. As Georgia opened the door, North greeted them, "Hey guys, how'd it go?"

"Mass nearly blew the both of us to hell." CT said as she walked past him holding a deer with Georgia following behind.

To no one in particular North said, "So just an average day then."

Same Time

The had started as usual for France. She got up, ate breakfast, made herself presentable, and took her seat at her throne to hear the matters important enough to catch her ear. So far she had been having reasonably calm news brought to her. Problems where the solution was simple, or ones that would work themselves out.

But like all good things, that soon came out an end when a messenger came bursting through the door. "Ma'am, news from the American colonies. Its urgent." He painted out as he handed her a small letter.

As she opened the envelope she gingerly removed the letter and brought it before her eyes. What she saw read shook her to her very core. It was a report of a fort in the Ohio territory being captured by a large English force. That by itself would've been bad news, but it's what the invaders did to brave Frenchmen that made it a tragedy, no a massacre.

Killing surrendering soldiers was a low she didn't think England could fall to, yet there she was. For a moment she simply just stared at it. Then she felt her hand form a fist, wrinkling the paper into a small ball and throwing it into a nearby torch and watching it turn into burnt black ash and embers.

"Send out an official notice. From now on, we are officially at war with Britain." She said in a cool and well collected voice. As the courier left she reached out for a blank piece of paper and some parchment. Once her pen was wet in ink, she began working on her letter.

  To: Spain

     I hope this letter finds you in good health. I wish I had better news to deliver onto you, but unfortunately I write to you to inform you of a tragedy. As you'll recall, me and Britain had a small dispute as to the ownership of some territory in the Americas...

She went on to write of the current situation to her ally, "I hope you find these crimes as unforgivable as I have, and that you will find it in your heart to lend me your strength in this time of turmoil." Of course, she already knew that Spain would join her. After his recent war with her enemy he was almost guaranteed top want revenge.

'I'll show the world that nobody, no matter there standing is above my justice.' She thought as she folded the letter and slid it into a envelope.

Florida's Target Book

Name: South Carolina
Faction: British Colony
Status: Alive
Skills: Medical
Mission status: Cancelled

Name: North Carolina
Faction: British Colony
Status: Alive
Skills: Farming, Forgoing
Mission status: Cancelled

Notes: The Carolina twins. Some of the only live people who are in this book. That wasn't because of skill though, they were just lucky the hit was called off at the last minute. If I get a chance at them again though, I'm bringing back their heads.

Sorry for the short chapter, today snuck up on me. I may be working on a few short stories that I can realise with my progress update at chapter five, so be stay tuned. Also as far as Florida goes, he's not going to be like Florida in the other stories I realised. My head cannon is he got an injury at some point and that's why he lost his old memories and personality. Anyway, see you next Wednesday. Unless your reading this post release then I better see you in the next chapter or I'm telling Florida.

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