Chapter 9: Last Second

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Georgia felt his face with his hand. When it came back wet, it took him a second to realise what the red liquid smeared on him was. 'Blood. My blood.' He thought distantly. Then he tried to stand up. As soon as he put pressure on his right leg, it gave out, leaving him on the floor again.

This time struggling to grab onto a nearby tree for support, he managed to stand up. Only then did he realize, 'North and South!' He looked over to the carriage that landed sideways behind him. He wanted to call out to them, to ask if they were ok, but when he opened his dry mouth, no words came out.

From behind him he heard a low whistle, "Gotta say, I didn't expect you to still be standing after all that." He turned to see country human. He stared back with a devious smile showing a set of what appeared to Georgia more like gator teeth than anything.

"Where are my manners? My name is Florida. And you are?" Georgia just stared back in anger at the stranger, he wanted to talk, but he still found words hard to use.

Florida rolled his eyes, "Not much of a talker huh? Whatever, I think I'll call you, Crash. Welp Crash, I noticed when your carriage was spinning like a dradel that you happen to have been ferrying around who I'm after."

One of Georgia's eyes involuntarily moved towards the carriage the twins were probably trapped in. "Yep, that carriage." Florida said sarcastically.

"You know Crash, I like you, so I'm going to make you a very rare offer. I'm willing to let you limp out of here with your life intact, so long as you leave the two of them to me." Georgia's hand dropped to his belt only to grasp air where his flint lock was before the crash.

Florida began to tut, "That's not a good move Crash. Even if you had your pistol, you couldn't draw faster then me, especially given your current status."

Georgia looked around for something, anything, to use as a weapon. All he found was a sharpened piece of wooden debris from the carriage. Picking it up and holding it out as though it were a sword, he gave Florida a look that said all he needed to.

The country laughed a bit at that, "By this point most guys would've run off. You got guts Crash. Lets take a look at them." He said, drawing his saber from it's sheath.

Georgia assumed the best fencing pose he could muster in his weekend state, a pose that was a far cry from the attackers elegant style. The two stared each other down, but just before either could make a move, a gunshot echoed through air.

Florida fell unto one knee, grasping his arm now soaked in crimson blood. He made a savage snarl as he turned to see where the shot had come from. He saw a tall country, drawing a red coat, hat, and white cross across his face.

Florida seemed to take stock of the situation, then gave another savage grin, looking over to Georgia he said, "See you around Crash." Then before Georgia or his savior could react, he through something onto the ground, creating a cloud of smoke he used to escape into the forest.

Georgia began to move to chase him when the country rode in front of him and said, "Stop, you'll never catch on foot, he's the best woods man I've heard of. Besides, you need to rest."

Georgia turned and pointed to his upside down carriage, "My siblings are win there, I have to help them."

The stranger replied, "What you need to do is realise you aren't invincible, and take a dam seat. I'll go help your siblings, you just see what you can do about your injuries."

Georgia looked down at himself, and finally realized his condition. His clothes were torn, he had a large cut across his left arm, and blood soaked his whole body in different patches. "Alright, maybe your right." And with that, he sat with his back leaned against a nearby tree for as much comfort as he could get out of the current situation.

Minuets Later

Florida took one last look behind him to make sure that no one was following him. Once he was certain he was alone, he knelt next to a tree and began to tend to his injury. The musket ball had just grazed him, so he would live, but it hurt like hell.

Despite that though, he couldn't be happier. Sure, he hadn't confirmed the kills on either of his targets, but he had drawn out one of the only other people he desperately wanted to see.

"This time, you'll lose more than just your ear, relic."

Flordia's Contract List

Thirteen Colonies ♠
The Carolina Twins ♦
The Relic ♦
Crash ♣
French Colonies ♥

And that makes a full chapter. I'll say that I don't know if this chapter was actually good or not, but I'm really happy with how it came out, even if I'm not sure why.

This chapter was pretty fun to write overall, so I hope y'all like it.

Next week will have a progress report as well if everything goes to plan. I know I'm not good with keeping schedules, so we'll see how it goes.

As far as Florida's hit list, for those who don't know, each of those is a playing card symbol. Often people will indicate stuff using a specific card to indicate the class and importance of something. If you have any guess what the code is, leave a comment on what you think each symbol means.

Last week's joke was, "I sold my old vacuum cleaner...

...It was just collecting dust."

New joke is, "Did you hear about the guy who stole a calander..."

Also thanks for all the support recently on this story, I'll give a proper thanks in the progress update but I just wanted to say thanks for the surge in views this has recently gotten

The Thirteenth Colony (State Humans/Country Humans)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang