Chapter: 18

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"Three thousand men! What are we supposed to due with three thousand men against half the French army?" Georgia ran a hand through his hair as while North began shouting.

The colonies had arrived to find most able bodied citizens already had enlisted and were fighting elsewhere. The small garrison and the few citizens that volunteered to fight were dwarfed by the larger French and Spanish army.

"It's not quite as bad as your making it out to be." Virginia spoke. North turned towards his older brother, "Oh really? Then go ahead and explain to me how the hell you think we aren't screwed, oh wise one"

Ignoring the remark, Virginia began, "Firstly, we aren't fighting the French and Spanish in direct combat. All we have to do is defend the city, which gives us a massive advantage. Secondly, we don't have to defeat the enemy, just hold them off until Scotland gathers his forces and arrives with them. And lastly, the French have yet to even get close to the city."

Same Time

Missouri slowed his horse to allow Florida to catch up. "Well, do you want the good news or bad news first?" The older of the two asked. "Good news, always."

"It looks like the English really couldn't give less of a shit about this city. I haven't seen or even heard of any reinforcements in the city." Florida flashed a grin towards Missouri showing his full mouth of alligator teeth. Perhaps it was just a trick of the light coming from the sunrise, but Missouri could have sworn he saw blood on his friend's teeth.

Mentality shrugging, Missouri dismissed the idea, "What do you mean by heard? I thought the plan was you would keep a distance." Florida rolled his eyes, "You sound just like Quebec right now with all your 'plans'. " You need to be able to act on the fly."

The two colonies had actually bonded a lot since the start of their mission, with Florida teaching Missouri how be not just a soldier, but a commander, something his cousin had overlooked. The one point in any friendship they could never agree on was planning things ahead of time. Whilst Missouri would have a designated time for his men to march, rest, eat, and sleep, Florida never approved. "Simply tell them to move when your ready and discipline those who don't." He had once told Missouri.

Not wanting to needlessly start an argument with his friend, Missouri brought his horse up to a run. Over his shoulder he yelled back at Florida, "I'm gonna go clear my head. Try and keep the army punctual!"

Three Hours Later

While her brothers were scraping together whatever men they could give a rifle to, South had gone to the naval dock yard discus the situation with the admiral of the small fleet of ships that made up the entirety of Savannah's defense against naval attacks.

At first the meeting had gone well, with the admiral even being a fellow colony! Soon enough though, A split had formed between the two. "You can't just abandon us here!" South yelled at across the table. Wales bit her tongue a little at that to keep herself from snapping back.

Normally she'd be over joyed to be working with a commander that wasn't afraid to speak they're mind. But, for today at least, that was the quality she most despised about her young ally. "We're not abounding you. But the fact of the matter is, we don't have the resources to or numbers to beat back the French navy. We already lost most of our fleet in our first engagement. If we fought them again now, we,'d be wiped out and the French would take the port anyway."

Sarcastically, South replied, "Oh so you might lose so why even fight at all? Is that it! Your just gonna cower in fear at the thought of fighting?"

Wales banged her hands on the wooden table, "You haven't seen a tenth of what I've seen, girl! I've watched friends die, ordered my men to their deaths, and even executed a few when the occasion came. You have no right to call me a coward until you've fought my battles!"

The older colony stood up and began to march away before stopping in the doorway. "My ships leave in six hours. With or without you and your brothers."

I know I said that this would be out yesterday but after rereading and rethinking the chapter, but I just wanted polish this a little more. This chapter was supposed to be a lot longer but I decided I was brushing over to much by having a lot of info in one chapter so I decided to split it up.

I think I might be back to uploading once a week but no promises. Anyway, I've also been working on some short stories and I had an idea for one that I really liked but it didn't have enough content to make a chapter about and it was set during this book anyway so here it is.

Florida was frantically looking around the mansion, "Fluffy? Here Fluffy Fluffy."

Missouri walked into the room, "Still can't find your pet gator, huh?"

Florida looked back at Missouri, "No, I think something might have happened to him. Usually he's never usually out this long."

Louisiana walks in, "Hey y'all, I'm making jambalaya tonight."

Quebec, "What's the occasion?"

Louisiana answers, "I usually don't but I found this giant gator in the kitchen."

Florida then runs off to the kitchen, "Fluffy nooooo."

Missouri looks at Louisiana, "You cooked his gator?"

Louisiana yelled, "Making the mother of all jambalaya here Missouri, can't fret over every gator."

Yes I'm aware that that was poorly written and kind of messed up and that the reference was really forced. That was just the baseline of the story I had in my head.

Last week's joke: What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, they just waved... I hope you see what I did there.

This week's joke: Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?

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