Chapter 10: Been A While...

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Georgia sat on a wooden rocking chair on the front porch. The twins were alive, but North wouldn't walk for a while, and South broke her left arm. Based off that, Georgia's cuts and bruises were minor in comparison. He winced as he looked down at his bandaged arm.

Georgia heard the creek of the door opening. Turning to see who it was, he saw the new one, Scotland he said his name was. "How are you holding up?" The country asked as he sat in an adjacent chair. "Better than the other two." Georgia answered with a grimace.

"I know that face, what's the problem?" Scotland asked. Georgia let out a loud sigh, "I shouldn't have let that assassin sneak up on us like that. If you hadn't been there-"

"You think its your fault that Florida attacked you. Your upset that your not as strong as him, do I understand you right?" Georgia nodded his head.

Scotland got to his feet and looked down at Georgia, "Come on then, we've got a lot of training to do if you plan to be a match for Florida."

Same Time

Missouri took Quebec's hand and pulled himself up off the floor. They had been sparring and, as usual, he couldn't quite hold his own against her. "I can still tell what your about to do before you do it. You have to work on not projecting your movements until the exact second you make them."

Quebec let out a deep sigh, "Why don't you stop by the river and go get some water. I'll set up targets for musket practice." Missouri gave a nod of thanks as he headed out the doorway. As he made his way to the river he wondered weather he would ever be a match for the English savages. He knew for certain he'd never be a match for Quebec, but he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

As he leaned into the river to fill his canteen, he wondered about what this war would cost. No matter who won, it seemed to him like everyone in a war lost. He brought his canteen up to his lips and let the cold water cool him down.

"Out for a stroll?" He nearly spit out the water in his mouth at that as he turned around to see Florida, "Easy there, didn't mean to spook you that badly. You can put away the dagger." Missouri let the hand that had automatically gone to his hip to relax and move away, "So did you do it?" Missouri asked, eager for any good news about the war.

"Florida laughed, " Probably not." He said cheerfully.

Missouri scratched his head, "Then what exactly are you so happy about?" As he asked it, he figured he probably wouldn't get a sensible answer, and he wasn't disappointed ,"Because I can finally undo all my mistakes."

Weeks Later

Georgia blocked Scotland's jab at his chest with his own sword before turning his arm and swinging his sword straight towards the country. He halted the blade just before Scotland's neck.

Scotland raised a finger to his neck and then looked at it. It had a small spot of blood on it. Scotland smirked a bit, "I think your ready." Georgia felt a smile tug at his mouth from ear to ear as well, "Really?" He asked excitedly.

The country gave a nod, "You've come a long way since we started training. Take pride in your accomplishment but remember not to become overconfident. Florida won't be easy to fight."

Georgia found himself thinking about something he often wondered about, but never found the right way to ask. Figuring that now was the best chance he would get, Georgia asked, "It seems like you and him have history. Florida I mean." He said in a careful tone.

Scotland let out a small chuckle, "You might say that."

Georgia might have let the conversation end at that most days, but considering his boost of confidence after besting his mentor, he pressed on. "May I ask what that history is?"

Scotland let out a long sigh at that, "Where it most people asking, I'd keep quiet about this. But considering it concerns you and your siblings, I'll tell you. It all started back a few decades ago. In the name of the crown, I was sent to fight against the Spanish here." He stomped a foot onto the dirt covering the ground.

"We began to gain an edge against them, and since I lead many of the forces, I was a prime target for an assassination." He paused for a second, with the air of a man who had just been told something he tried to forget, "That assassin was Florida. When he attacked me, I managed to fight him to a draw until I was saved by an old friend of mine." A small smile appeared on his face at that last part, but it didn't reach his eyes.

Then he turned towards Georgia, "Listen boy, he's dangerous. As far as I know, I'm the only target he's ever had that survived. The first until your siblings I suppose. The point is, he won't stop until he's killed everyone on his little kill list, and he doesn't care who gets hurt while he does it." What looked like an expression of pain wavered just beneath his eyes. "That's why we have to stop them once and for all. Individually we can't. But together, we just might be able to pull it off."

Missouri's Diary

It looks like Florida is back. I'm not quite sure if this news comes as a blessing or a curse though. In terms of abilities, he is the strongest of us, and I'm glad to have him back. On the other hand, he seems to view violence not as a means to an end, but as simply another hobby, like art or reading.

And that's another chapter done. I've had to save some of this chapter for later because it was too long originally, so that will be in the next chapter.

Sorry about the cover image for this chapter. I don't know how to remove it, but since its here I would like to bring up that that is a real game made by the history channel, and I did buy it, and it is a first person shooter about the civil war.

When I post this there will also be my progress update so read the next chapter too please if your interested in the mini stories, cut content ect.

Last week's joke "Did you hear about the guy that stole a calander..."

Answer, "He got twelve months"

The new joke is, "The golfer got an extra pair of pants..."

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