Chapter 5: A Promise

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Usually breakfast with the colonies was a lively time filled with laughing, cursing, and swapping stories, especially when all states where present as they were today. This morning though, the colonies ate they're meals in almost complete silence. After they had all eaten they're fills, the states split up, either in small groups or alone, to go make preparations for the new war they've found themselves in.

Once everyone had gone they're own ways, New Jersey led Delaware and Pennsylvania into his shared quarters. Once the door was closed and each colony was seated, Jersey began, "Alright, might as well address the elephant in the room. Everyone's acting like someone just died and I don't like it."

"Someone could very well die." Pennsylvania said in a grim tone. Jersey rolled his eyes, "Your exaggerating, no one is gonna die."

"And you know this how?" Delaware asked sarcastically. Jersey just shrugged his shoulders, "I got a good feeling about it." The bit of hope in Delaware's eyes flickered out at that, "Keep taking like that and your almost guaranteed a musket ball to your chest." Pennsylvania said, not even bothering to look back at him when he talked.

"Regardless, somebody has to lighten the mood around here, and I know that nobody else is going to do it, so that means it's up to us." He looked out the window to see Massachusetts polishing his musket outside. "And I think I got an idea on how to do it. You guys in?"

"Anything to take my mind off things." Pennsylvania said monotone. Jersey smiled, "There's the spirit buddy. Delaware?"

"Well I'm supposed to help Virginia write some paperwork about the war, so anything that'll take me away from that is welcome."

5 Minutes Earlier

The colonies sent by Spain and France sat around a large wooden table as Louisiana spread out a large paper map across it. "Alright, the colonies have more people with them as of now, but were set to receive reinforcements eventually."

Quebec put a hand to her chin, "Then for now we should stay on the defensive. Once we gain more manpower, we can focus on striking at the English."

"What your forgetting is that once the troops get here, they are won't have any knowledge of the landscape and wilderness. And bringing them here will take to long for my liking anyway." Louisiana waved her left hand in a dismissive way at Florida. "We have plenty of natives who can serve as guides or even train the fresh troops."

Florida groaned at that, "But that will take even more time. I've got a score with them that I could be settling right now instead of talking with all of you." Louisiana felt her hand ball up into a fist. Through clenched teeth she said, "We're already outnumbered as it is. Splitting up is just going to make things worse. Splitting up to go on a revenge killing is a death sentence."

Florida shrugged, "Maybe for you it would be, but I already almost killed who I'm after, and if I had gotten ordered not to go through with my plan, they'd be six feet in the earth right now. Think of it as a free way to lower their numbers by two."

The Colony began to walk out of the residence and into the forest. Louisiana was about to head after him when Quebec held her arm in front of her, "Leave him, if he gets killed it's his own fault. If not, we'll be in a better situation than before."

Missouri asked, "But shouldn't we take anyone we can get considering the numbers advantage of the English?"

Quebec shrugged, "If he did stay,we'd need to have someone babysitting him so he didn't run off at all times, that would have only left two of us. Without him, there's three of us. And who knows, maybe he does know what he's talking about, and we really will have two less enemies."

As Missouri watched the hooded figure of Florida disappear into the wilderness, a single thought echoed in his head, 'Hope you know what your talking about.' Who he directed that at, not even he was sure about.

Hours Later

Jersey sat back hidden in the closet of Massachusetts's closet with Delaware and Pennsylvania waiting for said colony. The trio had been their for almost two hours until they heard the click of a door opening and saw Massachusetts. Once he came in, he went straight to where he kept the box containing his prized rifle.

When he noticed that the lock on the box was open, he knew something was wrong. No matter what, he always kept the box locked. He ran towards it now yelling to himself, "Who touched Shelia?"

When he opened it and took out his rifle to examine, Jersey half thought he was about to have a heart attack based off the expression on his face. Delaware couldn't help himself, he let a small chuckle escape his lips. When he heard the noise, his head turned like an owl towards the closet contains the three.

He gingerly placed down his rifle which now had the inscription, 'New York was here' on it, then he opened the closet to see the trio, "Run for it!" Jersey shrieked.

Minutes Earlier

Georgia saw CT sitting under a tree, journal in one hand, pen in another. He hadn't talked with her all day, to his knowledge, no one had. Out of all the colonies, she had seemed the most effected by the news, even more than Virginia.

He decided that someone needed to talk to her, and it might as well be him. As he sat on the hill next to his older sister, CT didn't look up from her writing. After a few minutes of no-one saying anything, Georgia decided to take the initiative, "CT, are you.... Ok?" Was all the colony could muster.

At first she didn't answer. Then after a minute long pause CT responded, no longer writing, but not looking up from her journal either. "Georgia, remember the other day, when we made that bet, and you said you'd do one thing I said?"

Georgia was a bit confused but answered, "Yeah, but, why bring that up?"

"I told you that I'd think of something. Well I think I thought of what I wanna ask for." Finally she looked up at Georgia eye to eye. Her big blue eyes she shared with most of the northern colonies seemingly staring straight into his soul. "I need you to promise me that no matter what, you'll survive this war."

Georgia just replied with a simple, "Alright, I can do that." CT shook her head at him, "No I need to hear you say the words, to promise." Georgia put one of his hands around CT's "Alright, I promise I won't die."

The two didn't talk for a bit after that, they just sat there looking over the peaceful night. As if on que to lighten the mood, soon the two heard screaming. When Georgia looked over to the origin, he saw Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania running from an angry looking Massachusetts. He thought about jumping in to help them, but decided he couldn't get in the middle of that and keep the promise he just made.

Connecticut's Journal

Yesterday I felt a great burden fall onto my shoulders. Today I felt myself relieved of it.

And that's another chapter done. As promised, it's a bit longer than usual as compensation for chapter 4.

Since this is the fifth chapter, I will be publishing a progress update with this. I'd recommend you read it, even if you are reading this long after the story is finished. It's gots deleted content, extra knowledge, and info about the future of this story as well as announcing my new story.

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