NOT On Hiatus

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Hey there. It's been a while. Just as a quick not before we start, this isn't a progress update or normal chapter, as I'm sure you probably already guessed. So if your reading this book after it's finished, you can skip this if you want.

Anyway, I just wanted to address why the newest chapter is taking so long to get out. I haven't lost interest in the story, if anything its the opposite.

Its kind of hard to explain what the problem is without spoilers, but basically, I have how I want the story to end decided, but I need to get there. And to get there I have to figure out a few things about what's coming next in the small term.

I know that's a pretty bad explanation but it's the best I could do. Anyway, I just wanted to make it clear that the story is still being worked on and was most definitely NOT abandoned. Since the day after I posted the last chapter I've been working on this. Only got one chance with stuff like this, so I gotta do it right.

Anyway, before I go I think I more than owe a thank you to you, the viewer. It always amazes me that, even after these long pauses, I get consistently good chapter views. I'm so grateful to everyone for hanging in there, and until next time, I'll see you with a new chapter, hopefully soon.

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