Progress Update 3/16/22

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Hey there, yep, its been five chapters since I wrote the last one of these. I've got a bit of stuff to go over in this so I'll just start things off right away.

A Moment Of Thanks

I feel like I don't say this enough but thank you to you, the reader, to be reading this right now, either as it comes out or a year after the fact. Currently my book, "Two sides of the same Coin." Has less views than this and it's been out for four months, where as this story has only been out for about half that time.

I think the reason for this is because for each person that reads this, a decent percent add it to a reading list. People see that list and end up finding it that way I think. The support of y'all has been great for the past few weeks and I've been genuinely blown away.

One Year Special

I won't give my speech about this yet, I'll do it when the special comes out, but March 25th marks the one year anniversary of when I started writing. I have something planned for that which I'll post in this book on March 25th, so be on the lookout for that. It's been a wild ride from start to finish and I'm glad so many people have joined it.


New York woke up to the sound of a cannon going off. He ran to the window and looked outside to see what was going on, only to see the southern states in full Confederate uniforms. For the fifth time in a week he yelled out the window, "Could you at least wait until morning."

All at once the states yelled out, "Silence Linconite!"

So this is just a little short story I had an idea about and wanted to post. I had another short story but I think it deserves its own chapter.


So this might not matter too much, but I figured I would right a warning anyway. Right now I'm at a point where doctors are trying to treat me for something and aren't quite sure what the right thing is, so from my understanding of what they said, they're going to give me different treatment that could effect my mood outlook on life and other stuff that could impact my writing. This most likely won't effect it but I wanted to everyone I might miss a chapter or post a short one, or maybe have a mood swing midway through writing a chapter, so if they start turning out weird(er) than that's why.

Welp I'm tired and I have a test I didn't study for tomorrow, so I'm going to end things here.

The Thirteenth Colony (State Humans/Country Humans)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя