Chapter 12: Something To Remember

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Georgia walked into the dinning room in the colonies cabin to find North sipping on a mug of coffee. When the older colony saw him, he said, "Georgia, how the hell you been man?" Georgia entered the room containing all the other colonies and sat next to his brother, "Well I spent the last few weeks training constantly, so how do you think I feel."

North raised his hands in mock surrender, "Alright, sorry I asked." Georgia glanced at North's arm. "So how's your arm doing?"

North opened and closed the palm in his recently healed arm a few times,"Good as new. Almost like a crazy guy didn't  try and kill us."

From across the table south spoke up, "I'd love to get five minutes alone with him, none of his cheap smoke and mirrors, just a beating."

"I like the spirit but perhaps you should reconsider the part about doing it alone." Scotland said as he and Ame entered the room.

Ame scanned the room with his eyes and then nodded, "That's everyone accounted for." He said as Scotland locked the doors.

"Alright then..." Scotland said.

Same Time

"Alright then." Louisiana said from next to Missouri, "As y'all know, spring's coming soon, and fighting is coming along with it. She nodded at Florida, "Florida, any intel on what the Englishs' next move will be?"

Florida shrugged, "Maybe there is somewhere out there. But I wasn't searching for any." Louisiana's hand tightened into a fist under the table, "What do you mean you weren't searching for any. That was your one job over the winter." She said through clenched teeth.

Florida kept a small smug smile on his face, "Maybe that was what you asked me to do, but your not in charge of me." He pointed a finger at his chest, "I am. And I do whatever the hell I want."

Through clenched teeth Louisiana said, "Actually, by agreement of both our countries, I'm in charge of all French and Spanish forces in the region. Those forces include you as well. So in short, you take orders from me."

In an attempt to diffuse the situation, Missouri spoke up in as calming a tone as he could manage, "You can still fight for Spain, but you'll take orders from Louisiana."

Florida chuckled as he fixed a glare on Missouri that sent shivers up his spine. In icy tones he said, "I fight for myself. And I don't take orders from anyone. You'd be wise to remember that."

CT's Journal

We have received our orders for what we are to do in the coming weeks. Whilst I'm not to concerned for my own safety, given the fact I'll be marching alongside York, Jersey, and Hampshire, I worry for the others. Georgia, Virginia, and the Carolinas are to go deep into the French and Spanish owned land. I don't know why they of all people are going, considering the not fully healed injuries of the twins and Georgia's lack of experience despite his training. But when they volunteered, nobody objected, probably because no one has the heart to keep them from getting revenge of that assassin.

I'm even worried about Mass, and I usually hate Mass with a burning passion. I suppose that's the curse of being siblings. Two people can't help but love each other even if they'd hate one another had they not been related. Regardless of why I'm worried for him, I hope his assassination goes well. Even though I wouldn't mind if he took a good punch or two.

Sorry this is so dam short but school's been pretty tough this week since its the week before spring break. Even though this chapter isn't long it is important.

Just a fair warning, next week I'm travelling out west with my family and I'm not sure if that means I'll have plenty of downtime to write or I'll be busy all weekend, so next chapter might be extra long or a bit short.

Last week's joke:"Where did Caesar keep his armies.... up his sleeves."

This week's joke: "Where do cows go to be entertained..."

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