Time Flies When Your Having Fun (Two Year Special)

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Yep. Two years. I started on Wattpad two years ago. I have some stuff I wanna go over here, and I can only post so many words so lets get this thing started.

How It All Started

Flash back in time to 2020. A random middle schooler looks for ways to kill time while avoiding online school. He hops on YouTube and sees a strange video, a voiced out comic strip where all the characters have flags for faces. Checking the video title he sees, "Country Humans."

Later, when on a school Zoom call, the middle schooler decided to look up the video again out of curiosity. Then he sees that there's online stories about these Country Humans on a site he'd never heard of before called, "Wattpad."

After reading a few stories, he realised that there was of subgenre of these stories called State Humans. After reading a few, he realized something. These were all about the main states, California, Texas, Hawaii ect. When he couldn't find a story about the southeast, he decided he'd write one himself.

And that's when I wrote my first book, "The Run away States." A book which still haunts me to this very day do both its lack of quality and general cringyness, and the fact that it has over 2k views.

After a while I kind of realized that the story was being torn in some many directions that there was no use in trying to finish it as it was, and so, another book was published.

Probably the weirdest one due to the fact that I didn't learn from my mistakes, "Two Sides of The Same Coin." I don't know if this one is better or worse than my first story. On one hand I feel like my sentence to sentence skills were getting better, I also just changed my idea for the ending every time I wrote.

One of the main characters in the story was Ukraine, and just to show how off the plot is, throughout the time I wrote the story she was set up to be revealed to be, a ghost, the embodiment of the audience as a whole, a take on human suffering, an angel, and oh so much more.

After a while, I stopped that story too. It was then I made a promise to myself. The very next story I wrote would be finished before any other major projects started.

I thought back to the original Country Humans comics and videos I had seen and I remembered something. The whole thing that got me into all of this, my inner history buff eager for some historical stuff. All my stories to that point had been random things I decided to write out of nowhere. Sure the characters were based off history, but I wanted to return to the roots of it all. And that's when I decided I'd do a Thirteen Colonies story.

And the rest is history.

Country/State Humans

Something I've been wanting to do for a while now is to start connecting my stories. What I mean by that is obviously, this is based off of history, and some of the countries in this book are much older than others. So what I've done is come up with a few plans in my head as to how they all connect. A lot of stories thought all eras of time that show feature these countries. And other older ones that I never see covered like Byzantium, Carthrage, Rome, Celts, Gaul, random Germanic city-states, Ect.

Think of it kind of like Marvel movies or something along those lines if you want. In fact, some of the characters in this book have references and callbacks to things that happened to them but haven't been written about yet. These are a few of the most likely to be made story ideas I have.


A while ago I announced that I planned on doing a short story about Prussia. This project is the child of that. Basically, this is a character that you should start seeing sooner, but for now, all I can say is he'll live and die on the in the muck of war.


Here's something I don't see too much in Country Humans stuff for some reason. I don't know if I'll write a full on book, but I do plan on a few short stories covering the change from The Roman Republic to the Empire. I'm pretty eager about it though since there's so much material. Potentially even too much.

Under The Black Flag

Going back to my roots here on Wattpad for a second, here's another short story idea I have. This would function a bit like a prequel to this book but be able to stand independent of it.

As your probably guessed by the title, this would be about pirates. Or more specifically, the Carolina twins days as pirates during their days as a colonies. This is probably the most light hearted of the three here.

Brand New Idea

Now that I've got my Country Humans ideas off my chest, it's time to talk about something I've wanted to do for oh so long. Imagine, some of history's most skilled, fearsome soldiers...as roommates!

That's right, the crazy author who's idea of humor is bad puns at the end of chapters is attempting to make a comedy! This can only go poorly but I'm too committed at this point.

There's not too much I can say here since I still haven't come up with a finalized idea for this story in my head and I'm focusing solely on finishing this book right now, but I am super excited for this, however bad it may turn out.

The Wattpad Paradox

So that's kind of a weird title but let me explain. Wattpad is a bit of a weird concept, and a weirder site. Never before in history has there been a place where anyone can write books accessible across the whole planet with any publisher or investment until the 21st century.

And because of all this weirdness, I've been researching the site. What this book boils down to is a documentation of patterns and phenomenon I've seen on Wattpad. This covers both the behavior of both the writers, and the site itself.

Hopefully I'll be able to give some answers to a few of the mysteries that plague this site. Of course if your reading this after its been posted on Amino, this doesn't really effect you whatsoever other than the fact you'll never get the seconds you spent reading this.

What's Most Important Here

Well, in a word, you. I know people aren't reading this to see someone get sappy or anything, but I genuinely mean it when I say that it makes my day to find someone interacted with my stories in some way, whether it be by voting, commenting, adding it to a list, following me, or even just reading it.

When I first wrote these stories, my whole goal was to write stories for people who's state wasn't represented in stories on here. To set out a goal like that and start to achieve it more and more is genuinely one of the best feelings in the world, and its thanks to you, the reader, that I felt it.

Where my early stories cringey? Yes. Poorly written? Of course. Was the dialogue robotic? Absolutely. Would I ever take back the experience? Not for a million dollars. I'm so grateful for that experience of writing those awful stories because at the end of the day, I learned to improve from those mistakes, and not just in regards to writing.

There was so much here I wanted to put that I couldn't for one reason or another, and I honestly think that's a good thing. It gives me something to look forward to sharing here.

Here's to the biggest mistake I'll never regret, writing on Wattpad, and see you next year.

The Thirteenth Colony (State Humans/Country Humans)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя