First shift

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Yejis POV.

We finished school and it was alright. Mrs. Bae didn't come back. I think a student told on her and she got fired or something. I don't care. She was a b-word.

Other than that, nothing special happened. English class was kind of hard. I always mess up words. The teacher asked us what something meant and I said the wrong word.

I said 'addractive' instead of attractive or addictive. Everyone seemed amused by it though so it wasn't that bad.

Now I was going to watch Chaeryeong dance again because I don't have anything else to do. I was just sitting on the floor in the corner, watching the class and thinking. I was thinking about that one time where she uh... seduced me in the practice room.

Come to think of it. A lot of my memories with Chaeryeong have to do with sex. I think we do it a lot then.

The class today was very entertaining. The students chose a song that was really hard so they kept messing up and falling and what not. Chaeryeong was just watching them fail over and over. It
Got to the point where Lisa, who is supposed to be the best dancer there, couldn't even help.

I could see Chaeryeong getting frustrated so she just let everyone take a break. She came over to me and we talked for a few minutes. When about 5 minutes had past, she went back up to the front of the room and started teaching again.

I guess that break helped because everyone started dancing a lot better. It was very nice once they finished dancing

Now that the practice is over, it's my first work shift. I text Chaeryeong telling her I left a little earlier so I wasn't able to meet with her beforehand.

I drove to the café and went inside. Felix was there unfortunately but the boss was too. She gave me a tour of what to do and how to work things. After a few minutes, Chaeryeong arrived.

"Hello everyone." She said and bowed.

"Hi Chaeryeong~" Felix said very flirtatiously acting like I wasn't here

"Umm hey. Are you ready for work Yeji?" She asked as she walked closer to me.


"Ok so I have to go for the rest of your shift. Miss Hwang, if you need help, ask Chaeryeong." Miss Moonbyul said.

"Hey~ what about me?" Felix whined. Gross

"Um, you're not that good at your job so no. Now get to work" she said and headed to the door. Um. Well I walked behind the counter with Chaeryeong so we could start working.

I cleaned up before any customer arrived and when one did, I helped them out. It was really fun.

When ever the store was empty, Felix would start being rude again.

"I can't believe you chose to work here. I'm going to make it hell for you." He says. I look at Chaeryeong and she looks mad too.

"Felix if you don't stop being mean to my girlfriend, I'll tell the boss." Chaeryeong said angrily

"What's she gonna do? I'm sure she thinks you're a whore too."

When Chaeryeong was about to run over to Felix, I stopped her and whispered something.

"How about we do something in the bathroom during break to make him mad?" I whispered to her. She looked at me in shock.


"Good." I said and went back to working.

We tried ignoring Felix but it's hard. He keeps calling me a whore and a slut. He keeps saying how I've stolen his girlfriend but that's not true.

He's just jealous. Not my fault he can't get a girl.

The shift was pretty fun other than Felix being there. I got to spend time with Chaeryeong so that's always a plus. Every time there wasn't a customer, I would steal kisses from her and every time she had a bright smile.

Now it was time for our break. Chaeryeong asked me to put the sign on the door that says closed temporarily. I also locked the door so no one would come in.

While Felix was just on his phone, I told Chaeryeong to meet me in the bathroom.

I'm not just doing this because I'm mad at Felix. Every time I watch Chaeryeong dance I feel weird. So yeah. She's hot.

I walked to the bathroom and Chaeryeong was there too. She looked excited. I walked up to her and grabbed her waist and pushed her kind of harshly into a stall and locked it. I pushed her back against the wall and smashed my lips on hers.

We were kissing fast and it was getting really hot. I wanted to take her clothes off so bad but we don't have all that much time to do that.

I moved my kisses to her neck. She tilted her head back so I had more access.

"Mmm... Chaerry... I... love...this" I said in between the kisses. She placed her hand on my back, trying to keep me close. I moved down to her chest that was exposed, and kissed there too.

"Ahh Yeji~ hurry up." She whined. I guess I should hurry.

I sat her down on the toilet. Luckily this one had a lid. I then got on my knees.

She was still wearing her dance clothes while I was wearing my school uniform. We don't have to change to work, we just wear an apron and we removed those before we came in here.

Since I'm not completely ready to start, I went back up to her face and kissed her again. It turned into a make out pretty fast. I kept sucking on her tongue which made her whimper each time.

When I broke away, I looked at her. So sexy.

"I'm going to go fast ok? Make sure to be as loud as possible. Scream my name baby." I told her and she nodded with her eyes closed

"W-what name?" She asked.

"Call me both. Yeji and daddy. But I'm warning you, if you call me daddy, I'm going to fuck you harder. So you can choose." I said and started pulling her pants down.

I can't believe we're doing it in the bathroom.

Hi. Um... smut next chapter. I'll write it later but I have online school today so idk when. Sorry that this is a short chapter.

Have a good day/night. BYE 😩

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