A new beginning

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Chaeryeongs POV.

It's been over week since Yeji has talked to me. I've seen her in school everyday but she looks really cold and sad. Every time I approach her she finds a reason to leave. I have a feeling she's acting like this because I told her about me and Felix. I don't know. Even though me and him have only been together for like 2 weeks, my feelings are already fading. I want to break up with him but I don't want to upset him. If we break up I think we won't be friends anymore. I also don't know if he's homophobic or not. Many people don't support that. If I break up with him because I have feelings for a girl, that would be really awkward.

I'll text him to ask if we can meet up so I can leave him.


Hey Felix can we meet up tomorrow before work? I have something to tell you.

Sure see you then!

I put my phone down watched tv since I'm home at the moment. Not too long after I put my phone down, I got a call from Chaeyeon unnie.

"Hey unnie how are you?" I asked nicely

"Chaeryeong? Are you busy? I have to come over." She said which kind of scared me. She sounded as if she were crying.

"N-no I'm not busy. You can come over." I say stuttering

"Alright I'll be there soon. Bye" she says and hangs up the call. Hmm I wonder what that was about. Was she crying? Is she ok? Oh gosh I'm nervous. What happened?

I went back to watching tv to get my mind off of that until the door bell rung. I got up and walked to it.

"Hey unnie, are you ok-" I was cut off when she ran into my arms and started crying.

"She gone Chaeryeong. She's gone" she cried out. Who's gone? Eomma? My heart sunk in my chest.

"What! Chaeyeon tell me what happened." I said and she backed away from me.

"I-I got a call not too long ago from the hospital" oh god no. Please, am I dreaming?

"They said she passed away in her s-sleep" she said and hugged me again. I started crying as well. Why is this happening.

"What are we going to do unnie. We have no one else to take care of us." I say and continue crying

"Chaerry, I'm going to have to move back here with you until you graduate. I cant leave you here alone." She said

"But what about you? Your job?" I asked looking at her.

"Don't worry about me Chaeryeong. I'm the elder sister, I have to worry about you."

"B-but what about a funeral, what about the bills, what about-"

"Chaeryeong calm down. Don't get too stressed. I'll deal with it. Ok?" She says

"I can't let you deal with everything. I'm old enough to help you." I say back

"For now, you have to focus on your education. Im done in school, you're not. You have to make eomma proud." She said and we both started crying again.

"Don't worry chaerry. I'll take care of you. I'll be a better older sister."

"You're already the best sister ever unnie but thank you." I say and smile through the tears.

"Go upstairs to your old room. I have to go somewhere" I added

"Are you sure you can be alone right now" she asked.

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