Soulmate (🔞)

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Hello. I don't remember when I updated last. I hope you didn't miss me that much🥺🥺🥺.

JUST A WARNING!.!,!.!!,!,!?  There is a little smut in this chapter!!! Ok 😐.

Also don't mind the mistakes. I'm not good at English even though it's my native language. 😃

Enjoy 🤡.

Yejis POV

I woke up at 4 am. Me and chaeryeong were still cuddling in bed. I think we fell asleep not too long ago because I'm still tired. We were up for a long time talking. I really enjoy talking with Chaeryeong because I like knowing about her. We started this relationship and we barely knew each other. I always thought that because of that, we wouldn't last. But now I think the opposite because we are getting closer and closer everyday.

I look over at Chaeryeong and she's sleeping peacefully. I hate doing this but I have to leave for a while. I need to go to the store because tomorrow is Christmas.

I carefully remove her arms from around me and quietly get up. I tiptoe to her closet and pick something to wear. I go into the bathroom and get dressed and brushed my teeth.

I looked in the mirror and I saw my black eye. It looks really bad. Stupid Felix.

I start looking around her bathroom and I find what I was looking for. An eyepatch. I don't want people to see what happened or they'll probably think it's some domestic abuse stuff.

When I left the bathroom I saw Chaeryeong had reached over to the side of the bed I was at. I'm feeling bad. She looks so lonely.

I went over to her desk to get a pen and paper and I wrote her a note so she won't get worried.

Hey Chaerry, Merry Christmas Eve! sorry i wasn't there when you woke up. I had to run to the store. I'll see you soon.

Love you.


I folded the note and wrote 'Chaerry' on it. I then placed it on the nightstand next to her.

I turned my head to look at her and I bent down to give her a kiss on her cheek. Her lips curved up a little.

"Bye Chaerry. See you soon" I whispered.

I went downstairs and got my stuff and left. It was still dark outside but I need to get to the store quickly.

I got in my car and started driving. The store I need to go to is kind of far but I want to give her a very meaningful gift.

Chaeryeongs POV

I woke up to the sound of a car.

"Mm Yeji?" I said expecting an answer but I heard nothing.

"Yeji?" I asked again. I sat up slowly and looked to her side of the bed. I didn't see her so I looked towards the bathroom but the door was open. I started to get a little worried. I moved to get off of the bed and turned my light on. I looked at the clock and it said 4:37. Right next to the clock was a piece of paper.

I picked it up and read it.

Phew. She just went to the store. I haven't been without her in days so it feels weird.

I don't know what I'll do with all this time I have alone. I can't fall back asleep and I don't have anything to do. I just decided to get back into bed and scroll through my phone.

I Hate That I love You ||Chaerji||Where stories live. Discover now