Trust me

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Yejis POV

Me and chaeryeong haven't fell asleep yet. Now it's past 4 am and i don't have any plans on going to sleep.

We've been talking the whole time. She was venting to me about her mom and how the funeral is in a few days.

Yesterday while her sister was here, they talked about the funeral briefly. Chaeryeong gave all the numbers of people she wants to invite.

Chaeyeon unnie has already planned everything while she was gone. Now Chaeryeong is really upset because I guess she's not ready to say goodbye.

I've been calming her down all night. I wasn't aware that everything was planned until she told me after our shower last night.

The funeral is going to be in 2 days. December 28th.

Right now Chaeryeong was crying softly in the crook of my neck. I could feel her tears running down my chest. She's been crying for the majority of the night.

I feel so bad but there is nothing I can do.

I move my hand up to her long strands of hair and brush my fingers through them hoping it would calm her a little.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked her quietly. She lifted her head up and looked at me. The sadness in her eyes is making me upset. She shook her head and more tears started falling.

I place both of my hands on her face and wipe the tears off.

"I'm so sorry Yeji. Christmas time is supposed to be happy and fun but this isn't. I'm sorry I've kept you up all night. My emotions are really strong right now." She uttered

"It's ok baby. You were there for me when I was upset. Now I'll be here for you. Always. Don't feel bad about keeping me up. I'd rather make sure your ok than sleep." I said to her. I saw her face scrunch up and she started sobbing.

"What did I do to deserve you." She cried out. I waited for her to cry a little quieter so I could talk.

"You didn't have to do anything. Your perfect. I should be asking what I did to deserve you" I said.

"I'm not perfect Yeji. I'm far from it." She said.

"You are to me" I said with my head down. I hate how she doesn't find herself as perfect as I find her. I mean, she's very confident but we all have insecurities. Sometimes they take over.

"Yeji..." she said under her breath. I looked up at her and saw that her tears have stopped. Her eyes and cheeks are red from crying though.

"I'm feeling better now. Can we sleep for a little while?" She asked me which made me really happy.

"Yeah sure. " I said and laid down. She laid next to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank you Yeji." She whispered.

"You're welcome baby. I'll do anything for you. I'm glad you're feeling better now. Try not to think bad thoughts for the rest of the day."  I whispered back and she came a little closer to me.

"I love you so much" she said quietly.

"I love you too Chaerry. Try to get some rest ok?" I asked and she didn't respond. I looked down at her and I saw her eyes closed and I heard her soft breaths. She's so precious.

Now that she's better, I can sleep.

Chaeryeongs POV

Me and Yeji slept past 12pm. I still feel bad for keeping her up all night. I could see how tired she looked when I was talking with her. I'm so grateful that she didn't sleep until I was feeling better though. It was very sweet.

I Hate That I love You ||Chaerji||Where stories live. Discover now