I like you (jinlia)

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Ryujins POV

it's Christmas Eve and we just arrived at lias house not too long ago. I met her parents for the first time and they are really nice.

Also I forgot to mention this but Lia let Yuna bring her "friend" she's always with. Her name is Heejin. (I DONT STAN LOONA BUT IVE HEARD OF THEM SO I JUST DECIDED TO PUT HEEJIN IN THIS STORY)
She's goes to a different school than us but she loves Yuna so they are always around each other.

"Lia? Where are we going to be sleeping." I asked her. And she lead us upstairs.

"Yuna and heejin can sleep in here" she said and pointed at a room. Both of them got really excited.

"If you want you can sleep in my room" she said to me.

"Where will you sleep?" I asked her but she just laughed.

"I'll sleep in my room also. Is that ok?"

"Y-yeah it's f-fine." I stuttered.

"Great! Do you want to go back downstairs and hang out?"

"Alright. Let me put my stuff down first." I say and place my bag on the bed. I went back out the door when I finished and me and Lia went downstairs.

We were talking with her parents for a long time while the children were in their room. Lias parents seem to like me a lot. I'm really glad because hopefully I'll be in lias life a lot more.

Lias parents started cooking dinner. I offered to help but they didn't allow me. They did let me set the table with Lia though. It was fun.

"Ryujin? Can you get the kids down here please." Lias mom said.

"Sure!" I said and walked upstairs.

The door to their room was closed so I knocked on it. I got no response. I knocked again and still nothing so I opened it.

"Um guys- WHAT THE HELL". I screamed.

I looked at the both of them and they were very surprised.

"U-unnie it's not what it looks like" Yuna said

"Really? Cause it looks like you two were making out." I said and laughed. I knew there was something going on between these two.

"Sorry Ryujin unnie." Heejin said. (IK HEEJIN IS OLDER THAN RYUJIN. SORRY NOT SORRY)

"Don't apologize it's ok. Im glad you two are together." I said making sure they don't get upset.

"Really? A lot of people don't approve of same gender relationships" heejin said.

"Ah I told you, Ryujin is uh you know. She likes Lia" I heard Yuna whispered to heejin.

"SHIN YUNA!!!" I screamed and ran towards her. Before I could get her, she ran out the door and I chased her. Heejin was just watching until she started chasing me. We ran all around the upstairs and then we ran downstairs.

We were stopped when we got downstairs because we were making a lot of noise.

"What are you girls doing" lias dad said.

"Uhhh... nothing" I said and smiled awkwardly at him.

"Oh. Well everyone come sit down so we can eat." He said and we all sat at the table. I sat next to Lia and yuna and heejin sat next to each other. They're so cute together. Ew what am I saying. Yunas not cute.

"Thank you for cooking lias mom and lias dad" I said

"You're welcome. You don't have to call us that. Just call us mom and dad." She said.

"O-ok" I said and looked at Lia. She smirked at me and then looked away.

We all started eating and it was great. They cook really well.

We all finished eating around the same time. Yuna and Heejin offered to wash the dishes since they were upstairs the whole time we were here.

Me and Lia went to the living room while her parents went upstairs to go to sleep.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I'm a little nervous though" I said back. She placed her hand on my shoulder for some reason and looked at me.

"Why? What's wrong?" She said soothingly.

"Oh nothing. I just have some thoughts that are making me nervous." I said to her. She put her other hand on mine and intertwined our fingers. She looked right into my eyes and bit her lip before she spoke. WHY IS SHE DOING THIS. I THINK SHE KNOWS HER EFFECTS ON ME.

"Try not to think about that too much Ryujin. You'll just stress yourself out" she said softly. "Come upstairs with me, I have to talk with you" she added which made me even more nervous. She got up and pulled me up with her. She dragged me to the kitchen where Yuna and Heejin were uh, hugging.

"Girls we are going to sleep ok? Do what ever you want within reason. Good night" she said to them.

"Good night!" They both said in unison. Lia dragged me again to the stairs and let go of me. She went up and I followed her.

Once we arrived to her room, she closed the door behind us and locked it.

"Sit down Ryujinie" she told me and I did. She sat next to me and turned her body towards me.

"What's wrong Lia?" I asked her. She never acts like this around me.

"Ryujin please don't hate me" she begged.

"I would never hate you Lia. Tell me what's wrong" I told her.

"I uh-umm I like you Ryujin" she said which made my heart stop

"I like you too" I said. I think my tone made it sound more as a friendzone thing.

"No I mean... I like like you. I want to be with you" she said. I felt a smile form on my face as I saw hers getting closer to mine.

"I like like you too Lia. I've had a crush on you forever. When you took care of me when I was sick, I fell even harder. When you sang to me, it gave me butterflies. I like you a lot." I said quietly.

Next thing I knew, I felt her lips on mine. OMG WERE KISSING WTF. IM FREAKING OUT. HER LIPS ARE SO SOFT. Calm down Ryujin.

When she broke away, we looked at each other surprised.

"Umm will you be my girlfriend Ryujin?" She asked.
Right when she said that we heard giggling and quiet cheering from out the room. Before I answered Lia, I went to the door and opened it. I saw Yuna and Heejin stumble into the room and almost fall to the floor.

"What the hell" I heard Lia say quietly.

"Aww you two are dating now~" Yuna said and started laughing with Heejin. They both ran away suddenly.

"Oh by the way, they're dating also" I told Lia.

"I know. Yuna told me when I said she could bring someone along." She said.

"Why am I always the last person to know things." I questioned annoyed.

"Eh. It doesn't matter. Will you be my girlfriend?" She asked again.

"Of course I will." I said and walked to her to give her a hug. She pecked my lips afterwards and gave me that adorable eye smile of hers.

"Let's go to bed now Ryujinie" she said. We both did our night routine together and got into the bed.

I slept peacefully knowing my new girlfriend was by my side.

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