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"HENCEFORTH, MIGUEL DIAZ SHALL BE KNOWN AS THE RAINMAKER!" Demetri cheered as the group warmed up for training the following day

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"HENCEFORTH, MIGUEL DIAZ SHALL BE KNOWN AS THE RAINMAKER!" Demetri cheered as the group warmed up for training the following day. "El Diablo de la Lluvia!" Hawk added making Miguel smile. "Yeah, but if they hadn't fallen for it we would've beaten them." Sam muttered smugly. "Not that I was completely on board with the whole sprinkler situation but I gotta agree with Miguel. It's better to just save our energy and just beat them on the mat." Katherine pointed out. "Exactly, there are still so many ways it could've gone bad." Miguel agreed.

"What could've gone bad?" Johnny interrupted. "We were about to get into a gnarly fight at the drive-in Sensei, but Miguel saved the day." Hawk explained.  "Oh yeah? How'd you do that?" Johnny questioned. "Told the Cobra Kai's to come to the baseball diamond, just in time for the grass to get watered." Miguel grinned. "So you picked a fight, you didn't show up, and then you doused them with a hose?" Johnny restated. "Oh, it was sprinklers." Demetri clarified earning a hard glare from Johnny. "I'll go back to saying nothing." He muttered holding his hands up in surrender. 

"You just poked the bear. What do you think is gonna happen? That they're just gonna leave well enough alone?" Johnny snapped. "From everything I heard about last night, it sounds to me like Miguel practiced restraint. He found a way to get out of a bad situation without anyone getting hurt. What did you want him to do, get in a drive-in switchblade fight?" Daniel deadpanned. "I'm proud of you. You've taken Miyagi-Do teachings to heart." He praised, patting Miguel on the shoulder. "Okay, LaRusso, we need to have a talk."

Johnny stated firmly making Katherine grow more suspicious that something was definitely bothering him. Yet before Daniel could rebuttal his attention was drawn elsewhere. "What the-" Daniel muttered making everyone's attention shift to where they were looking. Everyone watched as Kreese and an unknown man walked into the dojo smugly. "Gentleman. It seems we have a few things to discuss." The unfamiliar man besides Kreese spoke. Judging by the look on Daniel and Johnny's faces this wasn't going to end well. "Inside the dojo. Now." Daniel instructed making everyone do as he said hearing the seriousness in his tone.

"Your dad is pissed. Who is that guy?" Miguel whispered as the conversation between Daniel and the unknown man got more heated. "I have no idea." Samantha replied looking over at Katherine and Axel who also shrugged. " He looks like a Highlander." Bard muttered. "The Highlander," Nate corrected. "There can only be one." This made Axel snicker. "Nerds." He muttered. A few more minutes of deep and intense conversation continued until Daniel threatened as the group watched Kreese and the unknown man leave with their heads held high. "That was intense." Hawk muttered. "Yeah, no kidding." Katherine replied, sharing a worried expression with Samantha.


"DID YOU MANAGE TO FIND ANYTHING?" Katherine asked the following day at school walking in between Hawk and Demetri referring back to the unfamiliar man that had shown up at the dojo. Apparently, Demetri found out his name was Terrance Silver. "Vietnam vet turned businessman. Had a few ups and downs but still turned out pretty rich. Not much dirt, other than some toxic waste scandal in Borneo back in the '80s." He replied reading off of his IPad. "Sounds like a Renaissance man. How'd you find out his name?" Hawk wondered making Katherine nod, also curious.

"I took a picture at the dojo, found an old facial recognition beta test, and tweaked the code to make it compatible with HEIC." Demetri explained making Katherine and Hawk share a bewildered expression. "I love it when you talk nerdy." Yasmine flirted making Hawk and Katherine grimace standing to the side awkwardly. "You are both the first and my favorite person to say that." Demetri flirted back making Yasmine giggle and lean in to kiss him. "I like the new hue. Purple's the color of the crown chakra, you know? It symbolizes enlightenment." Moon complimented, referring to Hawk's new Mohawk color.

"Uh, yeah, that's exactly what I was going for." Hawk replied making Katherine smirk, knowing that was a lie he was using to impress Moon. After a few more seconds of small talk, Demetri walked back towards them. "Later guys!" Moon exclaimed walking after Yasmine. "All right no offense," Hawk started throwing his arm over Demetri. "But I have no idea how you managed to pull that off." He muttered. "Neither do I. I guess I was just myself and somehow that worked." Demetri exhaled making Hawk and Katherine chuckle. "What about you and Moon? Did I detect a note of rapprochement in the air?" Demetri bantered elbowing Hawk.

"Yeah Eli, since when do you know anything about chakra's?" Katherine wondered making Hawk roll his eyes as she laughed. "I'm joking, I really like it though." She emphasized reaching up to touch Eli's hair only for him to playfully swat her hand away. "We're getting used to being friends again, besides she has a girlfriend." Hawk clarified. "You mean Piper? Oh no. That's over. They broke up weeks ago." Demetri declared making his best friend's eyes widen.  "Weeks?" Hawk stuttered making Katherine nod her head. "One week, five? How many weeks is "weeks"." He pressed. Katherine was about to answer but Miguel suddenly approached them.

"Yo. You guys won't believe this. Sensei got drunk and went on a Twitter rant." Miguel rambled handing his phone over to Demetri and the others to inspect. "I believe everything except for the part where he knows how to tweet." Demetri muttered sarcastically. "Looks like he and Sensei LaRusso are gonna have a rematch." Miguel inquired. "You've gotta be kidding." Katherine muttered in disbelief as she read through the various tweets Johnny had posted. "They're really gonna fight?" Hawk wondered. "Apparently," Samantha sighed. "We should've seen this coming." She said rolling her eyes disappointed in how things turned out.

"I thought they solved their differences, what could have happened to make them suddenly behave like enemies? Sensei Lawrence has been acting a little strange. I tried to ask him what was wrong the other day after practice but he just shrugged me off." Katherine huffed. "Who does he even think he's tweeting to? You and Katherine are his only followers?" Demetri pondered. "I don't know. He seems serious about it." Miguel shrugged. "So this is real? Sensei and Sensei are gonna throw down?" Hawk pressed making everyone nod. "That's awesome!" He exclaimed making Katherine give him a 'really' look. This was most certainly not awesome.

Happy Monday guys! I know this isn't the chapter you guys wanted but it's a filler for what's to come! I wasn't even planning on posting today but I couldn't help myself, especially due to all the lovely comments I woke up to this morning

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Happy Monday guys!
I know this isn't the chapter you guys wanted but it's a filler for what's to come! I wasn't even planning on posting today but I couldn't help myself, especially due to all the lovely comments I woke up to this morning. Thank you all SO much for the infinite support on this book! Get ready for what's to come, I hope I won't disappoint! ❤️

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