"Okie, strawberries it is."

You finally picked up your fruit, and walked around the market some more with Natsu.

"Oh, wait, (Y/N)." Natsu stopped you. You look at him questionably. 'He wants to go into a jewelry store?'

He smiled awkwardly. "Sorry, can you wait outside?"

Your eye twitched as you let his hand go, and watched him walk into the store. 'What could he want in a jewelry store?'


Time seemed to slow down as you turned, hearing the familiar voice. There, in the middle of the falling sakura petals, was a familiar figure.

A fair complexion. The dark brown hair. Her chocolaty eyes.

The clank of her dropping her groceries was loud, and she stared at you with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"Ojou!" She rushed forward, her groceries immediately forgotten. She flung her arms around you.

"Lizabeth..." You choked, your tears almost falling at the sight of your friend.

"(Y/N)?" Natsu's confused voice made you spin around. "Hey. Come here." You tugged him closer. "This is Lizabeth. Lizabeth, Natsu."

"Hey, Natsu." Lizabeth smiled at him. "Are you familiar with Ojou?"

Natsu eyes flew to her. "Yes. You could say that. (Y/N) is my girlfriend."

You immediately flushed, and looked the other way.

"Oh?" Lizabeth drew an interested face. "Is that..so." She tugged him away to the corner, and began investigating him.

"Don't worry, Ojou! It's just my test." She called.

You look over, amusedly. Lizabeth was peppering Natsu with questions, and Natsu peered at you, his eyebrow raised.

But nevertheless, he returned with Lizabeth, his face slightly pink. Lizabeth beamed brightly at you. "Don't worry, Ojou. He's not a suspicious person!"

'Oh, no. Really.'

"Lizabeth..." You hugged her tightly. "I can't believe you're in Magnolia. How..?"

Lizabeth gave Natsu one last look-over. "I was just off on a little trip." She beamed at you, then leaning back down to pick up her groceries.

You nod at the groceries to Natsu, who immediately stooped down and helped Lizabeth.

"Why...thank you." Lizabeth straightened up when she had recovered all her groceries. "What a gentleman."

You grin. "Yeah. He is."

After saying goodbye to Lizabeth and promising to contact her, you and Natsu had dropped off your groceries at home.

"How is he?" Natsu asks, his hand on Lucas's forehead, intently looking at Plume and Happy.

Happy wore a frown, while Plume looked away nervously. "He hasn't been getting better.." She whispered.

"Natsu, we need the doctor." You rest your hand on his warm back. He looks up to you and nods, his eyes wide with..fear?


"How is he?" Natsu asked the white-cloaked woman. "She's got Infirmus Heart. Don't worry. I've set you up with some pills. She should be okay." She smiled comfortingly at you and Natsu.

"Doctor...what's Infirmus Heart?" You ask, slightly familiar with the name. It was on the tip of your tongue.

"She's got a weak heart." She bluntly said. "And to be honest, there's not a big chance of survival...but I know she can pull through. And when she does, contact me."

"Does it get better?"

"It will go away if she gets better. Don't worry, it's not contagious. She'll just be weaker than the other children. Make sure she takes the pills 2 times a day."

(For those who don't get it - Lucas was mistaken for a girl by a doctor. Kinda like how Italy got mistaken as a girl when he was chibi.)

"We will. Thank you, Doctor." Natsu gently rubbed circles on your hand. "Yes. Thank you Doctor."

"You're very welcome. And last thing?"

"Yes?" You ask.

"She's very cute." She winks. And leaves, shutting the door softly behind her.

"Wait. Did she say..'she'?" You ask, bewildered.

Natsu grins. "Apparently our Lucas looks like a girl, amour."

"Oh that's cute. And where did you learn Spanish?"

"I did some traveling for a bit. Never thought there were Spanish speakers east from here."

"Mummy?" Lucas's eyes opened. "Lucas. Are you okay?" You ask, touching his hot cheek.

"I just feel really warm. Lucas will be okay." Lucas reached out, and grabbed your hand. "It's going to be okay."

You smiled, and started to get up, until-

"Wait! Please don't go. You always leave so early, mummy."

You gave a sharp gasp, and stumbled back. The old Lucas's words rang in your head.

"Wait! Please don't go.."

His image wavered, and you force him out of your mind.

You gently smile when Natsu and Lucas look at you with the same 'are you okay' look.


Stumbling into the bedroom, your eyes fell on something shiny.

Thankfully, Natsu was in the kitchen, cooking.

"What?" You murmur, picking up the shiny object. 'A necklace?'

'A feminine necklace?'

'Natsu would never wear this.'

'So why..?'

'And why didn't I notice it earlier?'


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