Detka, It's Cold Outside

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A few moments passed before he suddenly emerged with Yelena in his arms. Natasha took off running for where he was landing some distance from their jet. As she grew close, she realized that Yelena was blue and her head was lolling about. Natasha would have been searching for a pulse as soon as she reached the both of them, but Yelena was shivering so much that it was obvious she was alive if not well.

Natasha, as much as she hated it, knew what she was going to have to do to bring Yelena back to a stable condition.

"Give her to me," Natasha immediately demanded, and Tony complied. Wasting no time, Natasha immediately put the girl on the ground and started to strip her clothes away as quickly as possible. Tony opened the face part of his suit, looking somewhat horrified, and Natasha turned her attentions to him.

"Go get me a blanket for her. Now," Natasha commanded, and he quickly complied, flying for their jet at full-speed to go and fetch a blanket. Natasha just pried the wet clothing away from her, her throat growing tight as she tried her best to remove the source of the freeze on her sister.

Yelena was quivering and shaking violently despite her unconscious state, and Tony soon returned with the blanket. Yelena was almost naked, and Natasha had lifted the blonde into her arms and maneuvered her so that she was straddling her lap as she tried to keep the blonde from touching the snow any more than she had to considering her already compromised condition.

"Thank you," Natasha whispered as she grabbed the blanket and wrapped Yelena in it, bundling her like a burrito. Natasha just held her for a little while there in the snow, letting Yelena very slowly get a bit warmer.

"Don't you think it'd be a better idea to bring her back to the jet and get her warm instead of keeping her out here in the tundra?"

"I don't want to move too fast with this. She needs to slowly acclimate to warmth," Natasha told him immediately. A few moments passed before Natasha finally decided it was time to head to the jet.

"Okay... Let's go," Natasha finally ordered as she stood up, struggling to keep Yelena wrapped around her. Yelena's legs tightened around her waist, and Natasha knew that the blonde must be regaining some sense of consciousness.

"Hang on, detka, we're getting there," Natasha comforted her softly, and Tony opened his arms to take Yelena from her. Natasha shook her head at him, knowing that the metal of his suit was definitely not going to be good for the girl while she was in this state.

Soon enough, they reached the jet, and Natasha stepped up inside of it, immediately heading for a seat as she let Yelena just slump down on her. Yelena was definitely coming back into the conscious world now, and she was shivering even more miserably as she strained to get even closer to Natasha.

"Natashka," Yelena whined, and Natasha kissed the side of her head, running her hands up and down Yelena's back in an attempt to rub the heat into her.

"It's okay, it's okay... Shh," Natasha soothed as Yelena whimpered. Tony started to drive the jet, wordlessly starting them on the trip to home.

Natasha held her in her arms tightly, massaging her back softly as she tried to acclimate Yelena just a bit more to the idea of warmth. Yelena was still gripping at her as tightly as she could, trying to draw even closer despite the fact that she was as near to Natasha as she could possibly manage at the moment.

"Tony, can you turn up the heat just a little?" Natasha asked, and Tony quickly complied, turning it on.

"Not too much. Slowly inch it up every few minutes," Natasha told him, and Tony nodded, keeping his attentions on the console.

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