"Thank you, Dad."

"Son," Alhaji Abdulfatah called out, making Yazid turn.

"I'm proud of you," Alhaji Abdulfatah proudly concluded and Yazid smiled, then walked out feeling happy about what occurred with him and his father.


A grey Honda CR-v 2010 drove in through the gate that was opened by Mallam Musa, the gateman. After the car parked in the garage, the owner came out after locking it using its key. The gateman greeted him, then the old gardener of the house, to which Yazid answered whilst walking in fast paces, eager to meet his lovely wife.

Yazid rang the doorbell and it was opened by the house help, Shafa. She greeted her master and made way for him to pass. The moment he stepped foot into the house, the nice aroma hit his nostrils as he walked deeper into the house.

"Where is my wife?" he asked Shafa as he faced her.

"She's in the kitchen sir," she replied, with her head ducked low in respect.

As expected, he guessed that she was in the kitchen but chose to ask first, even though he could walk himself to the kitchen to check and see for himself. Typical Yazid.

He walked to the kitchen in fast strides just to see his 'darling' wife. After slowly pushing the oak door which was already slightly open, he could see Ramlah in front of the kitchen sink, with her back facing him. Which meant she didn't know he was there.

He walked to her as silently as possible because he wanted to surprise her. He also intended to tell her about the surprise that he had prepared for them, for her.

Ramlah, who was oblivious to Yazid's presence continued to wash the vegetable she intended to use for dinner. She had a big surprise for him, her pregnancy, but she was very nervous to think. She felt a chin on her shoulder suddenly. She was scared and almost freaked out, mistakenly splashing quite an amount of water on his face.

Then she heard his voice.

"Hey... it's me," he said when he saw that he scared her. She's a real scaredy cat. Always scared at the littlest things. He always wondered sometimes if any day would ever come that a minor thing would happen and she wouldn't get scared. But at that moment, he knew that he scared her because she didn't know of his presence.

He heard her release a sigh of relief. Even though she knew it was him, because apparently, who in the freaking world would come to her house and rest his chin on her small shoulder?

"You scared the life out of me," she said, feigning annoyed with his act.

"Sorry babe didn't mean to scare you, forgive this handsome husband of yours," he said, while dramatically holding both his ears and pouting his lips -that complemented his skin tone- in a childish way, which made her chuckle at her husband's childish act.

"It's fine, when did you get back though?" she asked with her full attention on him. Actually, the moment she heard his deep and tired voice, her nervousness disappeared into thin air.

"Oh... I feel hurt, my own wifey isn't glad to see me home safe and sound, while I on the other hand was dying to see her," he said, feigning hurt, with clearly no hurt shown on his face. Yazid could be extremely dramatic sometimes.

"Of course I missed you. Stop being so dramatic, when did you get back from work?" she asked all in a single breath.

"Uhm... just a while ago, so how was your day?" he asked with interest. Knowing fully well how she complained to him about her being bored, alone in the big house. But there was Shafa, who made her day less boring.

Shafa's a decent, caring and a soft hearted girl from Bebeji; a village in Kano State. She's kind and wasn't the talkative type of girl like most village girls. Even in the past when Yazid mistreated Ramlah, she gave her a shoulder to cry on, a handkerchief to wipe away her bitter tears.

She was all someone would ask for, in a friend. She never disclosed the couple's secret to anyone because of her trustworthiness. Not like some other village girls that found luxury and made a rumors in their village about their bosses' fights.

"Alhamdulillah (all thanks to Allah)," she replied his previous question with a smile, that always melted his heart away.

"Masha Allah (Allah willed it). So what are you making for dinner, the whole house smells exquisite," he said, indirectly complimenting her cooking.

"Uhmm... it's yam ratatouille with chilled apple juice and creme brulee for dessert," she said with that sweet smile plastered on her beautiful face.

"Oh nice, weldone," he added, giving her a thumbs up like a typical judge in a food show, complimenting a candidate after tasting her food.

"Thanks. Now go upstairs, freshen up and come down for dinner, it's almost Maghrib (Islamic sunset prayer)," she concluded in a bossy tone with a stern face.

"Yes Ma'am," he said while jokingly saluting with a straight face, which earned a chuckle from Ramlah.

She planned on telling him about her pregnancy over dinner, not knowing he also had a surprise for her.

Both, full of surprises...


Hey cupcakes, how was your day?
Hope it wasn't too stressful.

Another chapter here, so what do you guys think?
Let me know in the comment section👇

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Assalamu Alaikum🌹

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