Here, Kitty, Kitty

Start from the beginning

To her shock, she could see Natasha moving through the house in her direction. Yelena quickly ducked down, remaining still and hoping desperately that Natasha did not see her. It would foil her entire plan.

However, as she was sitting back in her stakeout position, a small movement swiftly caught her attention and she looked over in that direction quickly, furrowing her brow. Strangely enough, it was a black cat trotting toward the back part of the house.

Yelena immediately noticed how Fanny was looking at the cat with far too much interest, and she held onto the dog more firmly, looping her fingers in her collar as she held onto her. Once the cat disappeared around the corner, Yelena squinted a little, crawling forward as she headed in the direction that the cat had gone. She maintained a firm hold on Fanny, but she continued in her journey until she reached the back door.

As soon as she reached the edge of the house where it turned toward the back door, she heard the back door open with its typical squeak. Yelena froze in her movements, holding onto Fanny as she listened carefully.

"What are you doing, you little urchin? Hungry as usual?" Natasha questioned, her voice soft and warm, and Yelena heard the cat meowing. Fanny's ear perked up and she pulled a bit at Yelena's hold. Yelena grabbed her more firmly, pulling back on her collar as she kept the dog from moving around the corner.

"Well, come in, Liho. I've got your meal waiting for you in here," Natasha sweetly told the cat, and Yelena could hear the overwhelming fondness in the older woman's voice.

The back door shut, and Yelena made a noise with her lips, signaling Fanny to come with her. The dog easily complied with her quiet command, and they crawled back over so that they could get a view of the kitchen.

Yelena rose up as she looked through the window carefully, trying to spot her older sister and the cat. She swiftly spotted Natasha searching through the cabinets, the cat rubbing around her legs. Natasha glanced down at the cat affectionately, and Fanny hopped up so that she could see through the window with Yelena. Her ears perked up again, and Yelena shushed her quickly when the dog started to growl just a bit.

"It's okay, Fanny, calm down. You've got to be quiet, pup," Yelena told her softly, and her eyes widened as she realized that Natasha was taking out one of Yelena's tuna fish cans. It was now Yelena's turn to growl a little.

Yelena now knew where her tuna was going.

Natasha opened the can easily before dumping it out onto a small saucer she had withdrawn, and Yelena raised an eyebrow as she realized that Natasha was treating this cat ridiculously well. It was just a cat, and Yelena honestly believed that it was not nearly as cool as a dog. Yelena looked over at Fanny and Fanny looked back at her, her snout turned just a bit toward Yelena.

"I knew something was crazy about her. Turns out I was right. She's a cat person," Yelena whispered to the dog, and Fanny tried to lick Yelena's nose. Yelena scrunched her nose just a bit before peering into the window again. The cat was now eagerly eating the tuna, and Natasha was just looking down at it with the goofiest grin in the world.

Yelena narrowed her eyes a little before pulling out her phone, aiming on catching some of this on camera. After all, she needed at least a little retribution for her missing tuna.

"Have you been running around a lot today? You seem even hungrier than usual," Natasha spoke, and Yelena made sure to zoom in on her phone so that she could get better footage of Natasha and the cat. The whole thing almost reminded Yelena of how Natasha always spoke to her, and she suddenly almost wished she were in the cat's place at this point.

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