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ƒεω dαψš レα†εr

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ƒεω dαψš レα†εr

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I look at the caller I.D seeing it was my boss. This is like the first time he ever called me. After what happened in the asylum, I'm never going back. But my boss wants me to come back. Hell no.

"Hello?"I answered in a raspy voice.

"Hey rumor. How are you feeling today?"

"My throat still hurts and I'm puking a lot. Thanks for asking"I coughed a bit.

"Oh wow. Did you see a doctor? You need to go see what's going on....."

"Why?! So I can go back to that crazy ass asylum! I'm not going back!"i semi yelled.

"I know you don't wanna come back but you are our best nurse there. All the patients knows you better"

"I understand but I ain't coming back"I hung up the phone getting out of bed. I stretched my arms and legs out feeling my back cracking. I stood up feeling on my stomach. The pain was unbearable and I couldn't even breathe straight.

I quickly ran to the bathroom puking up last night dinner. As I was trying to clean myself up, Marley came busting in the room with a bag full of items.

"Are you still sick?"Marley ask.

"No Marley. I feel better"I tried to smile. "Bitch yeah I'm still sick. Look at me"I cried. Marley hugged me tightly rocking me back and forth.

"There There. Let's get in bed and watch Jerry"Marley pulled me back to the bed pulling my covers back. I hop in bed putting the covers on me. "Do you have a fever?"

"Not really but I'm cold as fuck"I snuggled deep into the covers. "Is the AC on?"

"No. Maybe the...."Marley walked around the room to see if my windows was up. "It's warm in here"

What the fuck is going on?! Why am I so cold?! Why I keep pu......I jump up from the bed running to the bathroom again puking my guts out.

"Is it something you ate?"Marley ask.

"I ate noodles last night"—"That's all"

"When was your last cycle?"Marley ask.

"Mar, please don't....."

"Answer the damn question"she walk out the bathroom. I tried to think when my last period was. I had my last period 7 weeks ago. My period should've started back up again.

"Ummmm, 7-7 weeks ago"I scratched my head waiting for Marley answer. She looked at me and then her bag. She snatched her bag off the floor pulling out this box. "What is that?"

"A pregnancy test"

"For you?"I chuckle.

"Nahhhhh. This is for you now cause something definitely telling me your pregnant"she assured.

"Oh fuck no! I ain't pregnant!"I ran out my room going downstairs to the kitchen. "You can take that test back"

"I can't, I threw the receipt in the trash"she laugh. "Come on rumor. Take the damn test and let's get it over with"

"Fine"I grab the test out her hand opening it. I read the box following the instructions.

"Girl you peeing on the stick and waiting for results. That's it"Marley said.

"Shut up"I rolled my eyes closing the downstairs bathroom. I did what Marley said and waited for my results. I sat on the toilet playing COD mobile till my timer went off.

I got up from the toilet then grab the test like it was nothing. I flipped it over reading the result. What does two lines mean again? I grab the box out the trash can reading the instructions.

"One line means, NOT pregnant. Two lines means........."I drop the box in disbelief. I'm pregnant. No, No,No this can't be.

"What it says?"Marley came in the bathroom.


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