Chapter 44 - Simon and Troy

Start from the beginning

If Troy was bothered by blood, he would cover his eyes and order the servants to immediately remove it.

If a commoner person was hurt and Troy became upset because of it, Simon would not hesitate to send even the palace's best physicians to heal them even if they do not have any significant status.

Simon gave everything he could to Troy and the latter accepted them wholeheartedly" Oasis continued to speak behind the light spheres.

Simon and Troy, the twentieth rulers of the Taron Kingdom.

Their story was well known amongst history.

"However, Simon and Troy both needed to do their responsibilities as a king and a headmaster. It was to produce an heir. Troy got married first because he was pressured by the nineteenth headmaster and he cannot stand for himself.

Of course, Simon was left devastated but continued to love Troy from afar.

He also got married and they both had their own sets of children. Troy had his own family and Simon had his own. They became fathers that loved their children unconditionally. 

But no, did Simon come to love his wife? I don't know. He did his duties but that's what all I saw. His wife also had someone she loved that time so I guess the feelings were mutual. 

But it was another case for Troy, his wife loved him and he also cared for her. 

It was such a bittersweet story" Oasis' voice cracked when she told the sad tale of Simon and Troy.

"Did they... end up together?" Asher asked, his heart was beating so fast and he was breathing hard.

"Troy's wife passed after their third child and it left him devastated for a short while but Simon remained by his side.

When Simon passed the throne to his son, the twenty first king and Troy did the same, they both had the liberty to reconcile and share the love that they had for each other.

Simon pursued Troy once more and the latter, just like how he accepted Simon's gift, he also welcomed Simon's love wholeheartedly.

Of course, the two spent their remaining years as wanderers. They had so much money that they were able to travel every place that they could. 

The last news I've heard about them was that..." The fairy trailed off which made Asher even more curious.


"Troy got infected with a disease on a kingdom they visited and it made him extremely sick. Shortly, Troy passed away in Simon's arms. But that's not where the exciting part ends!" She squealed like how she did when she first saw Pier.

"Simon spent his last and final year researching about the cure to the disease. He became a king, a hero, a doctor, and a savior just because he wanted to honor Troy. 

All for the name of the Headmaster that he was not able to save, Simon did everything he can until he passed away in his room holding the cure for the disease. Such a lovely man!" Oasis spoke and it left Asher speechless.

An unconditional love that overcame even the most dangerous peril.

That's what King Simon had for Headmaster Troy.

He felt his chest tighten and his eyes water when he knew his great grandfather's story. 

Even if he did not actually see Simon, he was pained knowing King Simon spent his final year researching for the cure of the disease that killed Troy.

"He saved an entire kingdom in honor of Headmaster Troy's death" He spoke weakly and Oasis agreed.

"That's correct. I'm sure they both are happy where they are now so don't worry about them" Oasis assured him but the lingering feeling in Asher's chest was still making him cry.

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