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Blood drippied off his hands, his foot steps echoed through the huge hall. He drew closer in slow, taunting pace. As he got closer, she willed herself to run but she couldn't.

She could hear her heart thumping hard against her ribcage as her killer drew closer. He squatted in front of her, his face was foggy, no matter how she tried she could not recognize his face, all she recognized was his eyes.
Cold, empty,angry gray eyes.

And this time no matter how much she wanted to erase them from her head she couldn't. She felt his cold, icy fingers wrapped around her neck slowly.

She felt like she would choke but she wasn't, but the fear that she was going to choke to death was very much present. She tried to scream but nothing got out of her mouth, she tried to fight but her arm and her body felt weak and heavy. And for some reason all she did was stare into the eyes of her murderer.

'ring! ring! ' the alarm rang.

The huge lump hidden under the sky blue comforter moved slowly before it made grumbling tired noises. She pulled the comforter off her.

Susan lazily pushed her phone off her night stand in an attempt to put it off. She slowly lifted her head grunting with reluctance to get out of the bed. Rubbing her eyes the event of last night came rushing down, sending an electric spark down her spine.

As she recalled everything that happened the night before, it felt more like a bad dream. The fact that she almost clawed out the eyes of her boss and a powerful man in an attempt to defend herself based on her theory 'Die fighting'.

But at this moment she cursed the movie she watched that gave her such stupid idea. She was probably dead and her mind could not get over the fact that she was probably doomed.

She pulled herself off the bed , picking her phone up. It was a few minutes to eight o'clock, and she must get to work by eight. Rushing out of bed, she took a quick shower, she decided to skip washing her hair.

She chose a sleeveless chiffon top that was tucked into a black knee length skirt, and black stilleto shoes. She packed her hair into her usual proffesional bun.

Looking at her self in the mirror she looked like a ghost, she had to apply an extra layer of foundation and concealer to hide the bag under her eyes. She decided to go with masscara and a little lip gloss. She immediately head out.

Normally she would take the bus but today was important, and she might get fired. She decided to take her small car.

She parked in the employee spot. Her spot was a good one since she works in the floor below him.

She rushed into the huge lobby, where employees were walking around in their fancy suits and formal clothes.
After scanning her card she proceeded to one elevator dedicated only to people that worked in their department and respected managers in the company.

Her hand was sweaty and it was like she was suffocating, it was like the first day of school all over. Walking into the office floor. Her colleagues were already there.

"Morning" Susan generally greeted, and they also returned it, before thanking her for completing the work.
She only gave a small laugh to that, she regreted staying behind, she really did.

"Guys, we have only two hours left before the meeting, so let's get set and bring on our A game" Aisha advised as she arranged whatever files were on her desk.

Leo just rolled her eyes, looking like she didn't mind one bit.

They were all terrified, it was obvious. Josh, the oldest among them, was already stress smoking in the male bathroom, and Joe was re-knoting his tie over and over again.

My Psycho Boss. ( COMPLETED )☑️Where stories live. Discover now