Ni-Ki and K

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Ni-Ki POV~


"No? But you guys like each other! You should want to help her"

"Ni-Ki, can I talk to you alone?"

"What do you need, K" I asked as he led me to his bedroom.

"I want to help her remember, trust me Ni-Ki I do. I just can't, if she remembers she'll remember that we like each other and well I told her I loved her and I'm lucky I was let off with a warning. I do like her it's just, I need to make sure I don't repeat my mistake"

"Come on K. Let's help our friend! I'm here so I will make sure you don't do it again"

"Thanks Ni-Ki. You're right, let's try and get her memories back"

"You're awesome K hyung! Oh! And maybe we could remind her of Sunoo?"

"No, maybe that's a little too much"

"But she and Sunoo hyung were close when they got to talk. And Heeseung and Jungwon! They were also good friends"

"Okay fine, that's it Ni-Ki"

"Also she does slightly know about Jay"

"Ni-Ki. I still don't understand why you erased her memories if you were going to just reverse it"

"I don't either, I just did"

Me and K headed back out to the living room where Y/N was sitting on the couch looking around. Usually she would be raiding our pantry and making a mess in our kitchen, but now she's being polite and doing nothing. I mean I'm glad, I have no mess to clean up. But I want the old Y/N back.

"Y/N! K has agreed to help get your memory back"

"Wow, really?"

"Yep. Our first step is to tell you our chosen children backstories and what we did"

"How is that supposed to help me?"

"No clue, but it's a start. Right K hyung?"

"Correct, so let's just start from the beginning and maybe something will spark a memory in your head" K said as we both sat down on each side of Y/N.

Author's Note~

Sorry for the extremely short chapter. I had no clue what to write but the next one should be twice as long. Usually each chapter is over 1000 words, but this one didn't even make 400 words, so I'll try and make next chapter almost 2000 words to make up for the lack of this chapter.

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