"I'm not." She answered in a trembling tone, a hint of panic was still visible in her eyes but she was trying hard to hide it with confidence.

It would work if she was a better liar but for now she can't trick a person who lies 24/7.

A chuckle made its way out as I lowered the gun, hearing a sigh coming from her, she looked more relaxed but the fear didn't left her eyes.

She has been pretending that she didn't knew how to shoot a gun or throw a dagger, the Salvatore's have their thing when it comes to being proud of what they do and something that everyone knows is

"A Salvatore never misses."

Even though she missed once she threw the dagger, right after she managed to put it right in place. I knew that her father wouldn't do anything about her learning this stuff.

Anna has always known how to do it, but when she learnt it she mustn't have thought much about it and now she was denying the fact that she was already good at doing stuff so that everything would go to her younger sister, Isabella.

It's well thought but it's not going to work, she doesn't know it yet but they are THE SALVATORE FAMILY it's not like they have only one heir, all of the kids work together to keep the empire alive and powerful.

The next couple of days were kind of stressful, Akira had been filling me with questions about why I asked her to teach Anna for some time.

Of course I couldn't just tell her that I didn't want to be close to Anna for a while because last time I did a gun was pointed at her head. Then I would have to deal with Akira asking me why the hell would I do such a stupid thing and I don't have an answer for that. The fear in her eyes was pleasurable, but Akira wouldn't like that answer.

It's not like Akira wasn't happy to help, in fact she thought that Anna was a nice person to spend the day with, Akira's way of teaching is way better for beginners and she was more calm when it comes to people.

I sat down on my bed, the darkness of the room being comforting as I wrapped the satin ribbon around my hands. The only font of light in the room was the window that allowed the moonlight to shine onto the place.

Akira asked me to do her job in exchange for her teaching Anna, saying that doing both would be way too exhausting for her, which is understandable. Having to deal with someone who is still in the beginning of learning something and having to deal with disgusting people right after didn't sound like an enjoyable occupation.

The job for today was taking down two man that had stolen some of our mafia's stocks, actually I don't even know if I should call them man, both of them are my age or even younger, stupid brains that decided to steal from one of the strongest mafias.

It wasn't a hard thing to do if you ask me, the only hard part was actually finding them, but thankfully Akira has already taken care of that and I have their location right now. Someone give that girl a trophy.

I opened the window and jumped into the garden, for some reason I didn't want to go down the stairs and have to interact with people. My feet touched the floor and I let the coldness of the night embrace me, it didn't affect me much since I've always liked the cold and my body is always in a lower temperature then it is supposed to be.

This is probably why Akira comes out at night, the darkness that it brings when it comes makes the danger able to hide easily, making the little kids cry for their parents when they see a monster under their bed or outside the window.

Parents make the kids feel safe from the monsters that wander outside at night, but when that comfort is never given the only option left is becoming friends with those monsters, until one day you end up becoming one.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐄जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें