Forty Four - Pearl

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She avoided my eyes.  "Busy doing this and that—the twins wanted to explore." She glanced around the room.  "I don't think there are any wildflowers left for a two-mile radius."  She cringed, sheepishly.  "Sorry."

Okaaay.  Sage was lying and now distracting me.  But I would give her some leeway as she'd hadn't even mentioned the whole sacrificing myself and dying to save my mate.

"Have you seen Cass?"

She shook her head.  "No."

Was everyone avoiding me today?

"He leaves me no choice but to track him down and drag him away from whatever he's doing for a little alone time."

"I won't ask what this alone time is for." We both laughed.

I finished packing my bag as Eve wandered into the Room.  "I see you're ready to go. Leave your bags Pearl. I will have them brought to the Alpha's room." She corrected herself.  "Sorry, your room."

"Thanks Eve."

"Remember, come find me if you feel tired, or just want me to check you over."

"Of course." I smiled, understanding the need for importance of humouring everyone. Since dying they had been handling me with kid gloves. "

Sage tugged my arm.  "Come, let's head out. The twins have prepared a little tea party for you."

That was sweet, but I really wanted to find Cassius.

Sage spotted my hesitation. "It won't take long and then you can find your mate."

I noticed Sage was wearing a dress, too.  "Is that why you're dressed up too?" my hand swished over her appearance.

"What, this old thing?" she did a little twirl, she wasn't fooling anyone as she grinned.  "It's nice to play dress up."

Okaaay, this was getting a little weird.  "Lead the way, cousin."

As we walked through the Pack, it was strangely quiet.  "Am I missing something?"

"Missing what?" asked Sage.

"Where is everyone?"

She shrugged.  "Pack business... maybe?"


"C'mon this way."  She said, leading us to a part of the pack I'd not been to, we stopped in front of a building that you could say resembled a church.  Wildflowers decorated the entrance.


Heading inside, it was all quiet. "Are you sure the twins are here? It's awfully quiet."

"Quite sure.  Leading me through an archway, I faced a swell of smiling faces that erupted into cheers and clapping.  Sage hugged me.  "Sorry, I know you hate surprises."

There was my Alpha standing in the middle, looking delicious.  He was wearing a dress shirt and formal pants—both of which I didn't know he owned.  Sage let me go and walked toward Hunter, who had his hands full with the twins.

Sylar and Willa waved as Cass strode toward me without a word and swept me up into his arms and I wrapped my arms around his neck.  "I was just about to come and get you myself!" he whispered.

"You did all this for me?" As he held me tightly, my eyes travelled around the room to see so many smiling faces.

Music started playing.  "The pack wanted to celebrate, and it's time that everyone saw us together.  Make our union official. You are my mate."

Pearl RisingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ