Part 66

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Qiu Yanzhi was having lunch when he received a call from Chen Lesi. 

He saw the three words of Chen Lesi flashing on the phone screen, stared at it for two seconds, then put down the chopsticks in his hand and answered the phone.

His knot twitched slightly, but his voice was extremely calm: "Hey."

Chen Lesi's tone is lively and lively: "Qiu Yanzhi, congratulations, I heard you woke up, alas, if I am not on a business trip abroad now, I will come to see you!"

Qiu Yanzhi lowered his eyelids: "Thank you."

Chen Lesi asked him: "How are you recovering now, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Qiu Yanzhi: "The recovery is very good and I plan to be discharged in two days."

Chen Lesi: "That's good, that's good, oh, you don't know. I heard you were startled when you suddenly fell into a coma..."

Chen Lesi paused and asked cautiously: "However... how did you get comatose? I called in the past some time ago and was picked up by your caregiver. I asked her why you were in a coma, and she couldn't tell clearly , Just say you (sleep Shui) is sleeping (sleep Shui), you are comatose..."

Qiu Yanzhi was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Chen Lesi, what was the name of the game installation package you sent me at that time?"

""Lovers", why? I haven't been online for more than 4 months, and I don't remember my name..."

Qiu Yanzhi interrupted him: "No, the game you sent me is called Dream Eater."

Chen Lesi's voice over the phone stopped abruptly.

He was quiet for a while, his voice trembling slightly: " are you saying?"

"The game I played was called "Dreaming Dreams."

Chen Lesi hurriedly sat down from (bed chuang), walked to the desk, and turned on his computer.

He opened his mailbox and found the sent mail.

Seeing the content of the email he sent half a year ago, his back suddenly burst into cold sweat.

Chen Lesi said in disbelief: ", how is it possible, this game is obviously closed, are you possible..."

"Chen Lesi." Qiu Yanzhi said, "Is this game an accident?"


Suddenly Chen Lesi understood what he was doing. He suddenly fell down on his chair, and his forehead sweated out: ", are you comatose because of this game?"

Qiu Yanzhi said: "If I answered yes, did your behavior belong to negligence or injury?"

"Sorry, sorry, I, I didn't mean it, sorry Qiu Yanzhi, I don't know, I sent you the wrong email..."

"I will not tell you." Qiu Yanzhi said.

Chen Lesi: "Thank you, thank you..."

Qiu Yanzhi said: "But you have to promise me that you are not allowed to tell anyone about this matter."

"I promise you, of course I promise you!"

Qiu Yanzhi took a deep breath and said, "Also, I need to know everything about this game."

Although Chen Lesi didn't know what Qiu Yanzhi wanted to do, he still told Qiu Yanzhi the information he knew.

This is a game developed by their company 4 years ago.

But just before going on the market, the biggest investor in this game entered the game for trial, but there was an accident and I couldn't wake up.

Today, the Foolish Scum Gong Screwed Me Over AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora