Part 26

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"Why did He Zhou appear here? Shouldn't it?" Rhubarb scratched his head. 

Qiu Yanzhi only felt that He Zhou's eyes were like a huge magnet that attracted him, and it took him a lot of effort to recover and looked away.

The uneasiness and anxiety that inexplicably stirred in his heart made his palms sweat, seemingly to suppress this strange emotion in his heart. He took the wine glass in front of him and swallowed it.

Rhubarb flapped his wings to sit in front of Qiu Yanzhi and said, "Don't worry, since the main line of this game is Ye Mingxu, He Zhou will have no sense of presence. Think about the last game, Ye Mingxu actually I have been living downstairs all the time, but have you ever seen him? No! This is the ingenious design of our game! He Zhou met you only by accident this time, except today, you will never meet again."

Qiu Yanzhi put down the wine glass in his hand, only to feel the spicy rush into the throat, stabbing his scalp numb: "Then, will he still remember me."

Da Huang's face swears: "Impossible! I can still be sure about this point. Our reset card is worth 18,888. If you use this card, the game will automatically put it All traces you left in the week are cleared, not to mention a little npc memory."

Don't you remember everything in Hezhou? It's as if Zhang Yuxuan didn't remember him being rejected by the senior. Did He Zhou forget him (dry gan) (dry gan)?

Do not.

For Zhang Yuxuan and He Zhou, this is not a forget.

-But never (fa).

Qiu Yanzhi suddenly felt that everything he had experienced in the week of the game was like playing a one-man show with himself. After the show was over, only he remembered it at the end. Between the trance, even the true and the false were somewhat indistinguishable.

Qiu Yanzhi lowered his eyes, concealing the gloomy emotions flashing in his eyes.

He picked up the bottle and filled himself with a glass of wine. He was about to drink it, but was stopped by the person next to him.

Ye Mingxu looked at him with a worried expression on his face: "Senior, this wine has a high degree of alcohol. Brother Yu Xuan said that you don't have enough wine."

Qiu Yanzhi looked up at Zhang Yuxuan, and Zhang Yuxuan was smiling at him with a frowning eyebrow.


Just then, He Zhou came to this table.

He Zhou never attended such company gatherings on weekdays. Today, he came unexpectedly and made all the employees unprepared. The chief who was sitting next to Qiu Yanzhi saw President He actually walked to his side and panicked. Zhang Di stood up and vacated his position: "Here, Mr. He, sit here and sit here..."

Qiu Yanzhi felt that his entire body was stiffened into a sculpture.

Immediately thereafter, He Zhou sat down beside him.

Qiu Yanzhi felt a little nervous, but fortunately, the president sat down at the table, and more than half of the people on this table were sweating nervously and couldn't eat anything comfortably.

Qiu Yanzhi didn't dare to visit He Zhou, but in Yu Guangzhong, he seemed to see that He Zhou's eyes only stayed on his body for a very brief moment, then he turned around and spoke to his secretary.

...He really didn't remember himself.

Qiu Yanzhi breathed a sigh of relief, but he also had some strange emotions, which spread with this breath.

Ye Mingxu found that Qiu Yanzhi didn't know what he was thinking, and God (skin) was a little dazed and confused.

Qiu Yanzhi seemed to be eating with his head down, but when he looked closely, the small dish in front of him was clearly empty, and he just stabbed there chopsticks.

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