Chapter 43: One of the five conjectures in mathematics

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"Auntie, Xiao Mo didn't lie to you, all of these are indeed mathematical formulas."

Yan Jiuxi on one side also hurriedly helped Su Mo speak.

Su Mo was moved by Yan Jiuxi's words.

At the critical moment, my own wife is still reliable!

Su's mother still attaches great importance to Yan Jiuxi's words, after all, this is the future daughter-in-law!

"But I have never heard of it. Can the answer to a math problem be written so much?"

Su's mother pointed to the draft paper everywhere in front of the computer, and roughly counted them, at least more than a hundred.

Can you write so many answers to a question?

It's impossible!


Yan Jiuxi didn't know how to explain to Su Mu for a moment, so he could only look at Su Mo for help.

"Mom, there are many things you don't know, but you can't help but believe your son."

Su Mo looked helplessly at Master Mother and said, "When did I lie to you?"

Since childhood, Su Mo has never lied to his mother, no matter what he did wrong, he will truthfully tell Su's mother.

Su's mother was also taken aback when she heard her son's words, as if this was really the case.

"Then explain to me."

Su's mother pointed to the draft paper spreading over the entire computer desk. She still didn't believe that these were the answers to a question.

Didn't she have never done math problems, how many answers can be written in a question, she didn't know it?

Mother Su stood aside with her arm in her arms, as if she was saying to Su Mo: "If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, you will be at your own risk."

Su Mo stood up and walked to the computer, and picked up the scratch paper on the ground that was held by his mother into a ball of paper.

These are all priceless treasures!

Su Mo knew how precious the content on the draft paper was. He hurriedly took apart the paper ball in his hand and flattened it, putting it on the table.

"Xiao Mo, what exactly are these?"

Seeing Su Mo's cautious look, Yan Jiuxi couldn't help but ask.

Although she knew that these were all mathematical formulas, she only understood a little bit, and she didn't even know what was written on them.

"These are all treasures!"

As Su Mo cleaned up the draft paper on the table, he slowly said, "Xiaoxi, do you know the five major conjectures in mathematics?"

"It seems that I have heard the teacher say it several times, but aren't those all unsolvable conjectures?"

Yan Jiuxi was even more confused when he heard Su Mo's words. The Big Five guesses she knows a little bit, but what does it have to do with these draft papers!

and many more--

Yan Jiuxi's head suddenly exploded, and his eyes were full of shock when he looked at Su Mo.

"This won't be..."


Su Mo smiled triumphantly, and said lightly: "These are all the calculations of BDY's conjecture."

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