Y/n could sense something was up and leans closer to look at her in the eye, "How could you not remember anything of what happened last night. You made a bet and I made sure you didn't win the bet and I caught you fucking around with Weasley."

My eyes widened at her statement. Did I hear her right? I was doing it with Ronald?! What is this fuckery all about!?

"What do you mean fucking around with Weasley?! I would never cheat on you!" I yelled.

"Hermione did someone obliviate you?" She asked but continued

"Well that's stupid, of course if someone did you won't remember." She said.

"Ah! Did you drink any potions? Or Anything at dinner?" She asked.

"No, I don't think I drank a potion yesterday. But, I did drink pumpkin juice at dinner." I answered slightly confused as to why she's saying all this.

"I knew it!" she said as she let go of my wrist. I looked at it and it looked like I had a red bracelet. I scratched it gently as I asked her "What did you know?"

"You're the smartest witch of our age but you can't put this together? Someone must've put a love potion in your drink." She facepalmed and explained.

"So that's why you've been cheating on me. So about that bet-" she started. I immediately remembered the bet. That stupid bet! I knew it was a bad idea.

"I didn't agree to that!" I yelled making her startled

"Yes you did! I was listening behind all of you when you guys were betting on me!" she replied. My heart shattered, she knew all along but went on with it. But why?

"Okay fine, I did! But when I was getting close with you I broke the deal off! I didn't want to be with you just because of a bet, and I didn't like the idea of hurting you!"

"W- what?" she stuttered

"They erm-, they knew I liked you. That's why they put a bet on it that I wouldn't be able to get with you because I'm- well, I'm me." I said sadly as I looked down to face the cobblestone floor to avoid eye contact.

"I agreed at first because you know how I am when I want to prove something. I knew it was a bad idea and all but I couldn't help it. I agreed but then broke it off with them after a month. I gave them 50 galleons so they'd shut up and mind their own business." I said in one breath, tears now falling from my eyes.

I felt her hand caress my cheek. I flinched at first, I thought she was going to strike me but when she cupped my cheek I leaned into her touch. She gently brought my face up so that I'm looking directly at her. She had guilt written all over her face, she slowly held my arms and wrapped it around her neck as she wrapped hers around my waist. I hugged her tightly as I sobbed.

"I'm so sorry Mione. I didn't know that. I'm so so sorry, please forgive me." She pleaded as her voice slightly cracks.

"I liked you too. The real you, I just held a grudge because I thought you were still doing that stupid bet. I didn't know you genuinely liked me and was just doing the thing we did for the bet." she said as she now cried too.

"I didn't know what I was doing. But I knew Ronald liked you but I wasn't sure if you liked him back. So I followed you after dinner when we parted ways, that's when I saw you and Ron making out." she said between her cries

"At the time, I knew you were with me because of the bet but it still hurt me seeing you like that with Ron. I ran out of there as fast as I can, I couldn't bare seeing you shag someone else but I didn't have the guts to confront you."

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