Chapter 25 - Depleted

Start from the beginning

The sudden turn of events was unexpected and he did not know if his knight would be alright.

His eyes observed Gideon inside the wind barrier that he had created.

Even his wind magic that was already strong was at the verge of disintegrating from how strong the lightning that Gideon was currently immersed in.

"I don't care. I want to stay awake until I can assure he's fine" Pier spoke between deep breaths and Melfar contemplated its Guardian's thoughts.

Pier was fighting his own self right now.

His consciousness was starting to fade and his entire body was at the point of becoming void of any magic power.

The magic circle he had casted surpassed what he can normally handle and the consequences were now showing.

But the mythical creature also knew his guardian's resolves.

"I understand, I will supply your body with my own magic until you can assure that the knight is fine" Melfar spoke and Pier breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cast the flame bubbles on yourself" The phoenix instructed and Pier followed.

Fire magic manifested on his palms and it slowly started to engulf his body.

There were now two magic types surrounding Pier's body.

One was the wind barrier and the other was the flame bubble. The glowing crown on his head became even brighter once Melfar's magic started to course in his body.

Under normal circumstances, such level of magic was already applaudable. It was astounding to an extent that many would be baffled and awed but right now, no one could really do such thing.

Pier was maintaining the gigantic magic circle above the palace as well so he can prevent the energy from Gideon passing through.


"IMMEDIATELY ASSIST THE YOUNG MASTER!" King Henry spoke as he also went out of the throne room and towards the room on the palace's highest point.

"Your Majesty! We need to evacuate immediately!" A horrified mage spoke but King Henry was thinking otherwise.

The scenario that occurred right before their eyes was an unprecedented event and it caused chaos within the entire Capital and Palace.

"FOLLOW MY COMMANDS! ASSIST THE YOUNG MASTER!" His breath was uneven and his entire body was trembling.

It was so immense.

The energy that came from the knight was too much that he felt overwhelmed.

It was even more overwhelming when he saw the young master's magic.

He got the shock of his life when he saw the young master's capability.

'A magic circle big enough to cover the entire palace's skies' He felt shivers creep up his spine.

Even a small magic circle befitting for a single person can only be manifested by mages who were proficient in handling their own mana!

'What happened to them...?' He asked himself as he hurried to run up the stairs.

He never saw someone who had no experiences in using magic produce such high quality magic circle that was able to stop an expert swordsman's magic diversion.

His thoughts then drifted towards the War Commander.

'A magic diversion...' How powerful can the knight be?

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