Randomness: Chapter 43 • Science Jokes

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Chapter 43
Science Jokes
Heeeeeey. Hiiiii. Waddup?
1) What do you do to a dead chemist? Barium... Oh yeah
2) I was going to tell you a science joke... But all the good ones ARGON. ;)
3) I told a chemistry joke. There was no reaction...
4) That joke was sodium funny! (Read it fast and out loud if you do not understand)
5) Two atoms are walking along. One of them stops, and says,
"Oh no, I think I've lost an electron!"
His friend atom asks,
"Are you sure?"
The other says, "Yes, I'm positive!"
Baiiiiii. Byeeeeeeee. See ya!

RandomnessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon