Randomness: Chapter 31 • RIDDLES-PART TWO

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Chapter 31
Riddles - Part Two
Helloooooooo, everybody! *creepy face*
Last weeks' riddle weren't completely answered. But a few people tried to give a reply, so thank you to both of y'all!
With three correct answers, last week's winner is 4everlovingPJO ! Congrats!
Here are last weeks' answers:
1) Short
2) You look into the mirror and see what you SAW. You SAW the table in half. Two halves make a (W)HOLE, and you escape through the HOLE. (Mind = blown)
3) A bubble
4) A towel
5) An echo
Now it's time for this weeks' riddles. Don't be shy, give it a try! :)
1- A doctor and a bus driver are in love with the same girl. The bus driver has to go on a week-long trip. Before he leaves, he gives the girl seven apples. Why?
2- Even if you give it to someone else, you still MUST keep it. What is it?
3- When I point up, it's light, but when I point down, it's dark... What am I?
4- I'm famous for my polka dots and my bright red shell. When I land and crawl on you, you think it's pretty swell. What famous bug am I?
5- It's been around for millions of years, but it's only a month old. What is it?

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